What does your day look like?

pink poodle

...an interesting thing from my journey home, I currently look like a well nourished homeless man. My face is a tangled mess of multicoloured beard and my hair is just plain weird. In contrast my passport photo is a cleanly shaven face with a big moustache, sneaky tongue, and short thinly spread hair the facial recognition tech at haneda and Sydney both had trouble matching my face. In haneda I was required to do a manual check after a few attempts followed by the machine locking me out. In Sydney it took a couple of goes and a slight change to how I was holding my face. This is going to be interesting at the tail end of this passports life!

I have some bad news for you then. https://www.oldrichmondcellars.com/larsen/

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Yep. I looked this up before I came home. I could have picked the black sails up for...about $150. Thus my exertion of much efforts. I almost went back to nagano to collect it!

And I love how they expect people to shell out that kind of money and offer zero description of the cognac...age, flavour, aroma, texture...all the things people would like to know a little about before making such a purchase.


Dr. Beebenson, PhD HA, ST, Offset (hons)
Is the logging truck running solid tyres?
Certainly was. The owner fired it up and took it for a lap of the grounds yesterday. Was cool to see it running (and a lot quieter than I expected, just had a fairly typical old putt-putt engine note and no real mechanical drivetrain noise). Even with the big log on the back it still looked pretty firmly sprung though!