Little Things You Hate


I can go full Karen
Are the school age kids on social media as they walk home or too busy jumping on each other and avoiding the cracks in the concrete?
As for the full time job thing, if the parents can find the time to drive the 500m surely they can find the time to walk it. It doesn't take that much longer.


LTIH: laying in hospital with mucho pain,
Bastards cut part of my intestine out.

Two good things about it though
1) keyhole surgery keeps the scar at about 5 or 6 inches

2) The doctor told me wearing a helmet would of made no difference.

I will tell you the lucky, almost miraculous story in a few days, many humorous parts in amongst the bad.

pink poodle

LTIH: laying in hospital with mucho pain,
Bastards cut part of my intestine out.

Two good things about it though
1) keyhole surgery keeps the scar at about 5 or 6 inches

2) The doctor told me wearing a helmet would of made no difference.

I will tell you the lucky, almost miraculous story in a few days, many humorous parts in amongst the bad.
Speedy recovery dude!


his flabber is totally gastered
LTIH: laying in hospital with mucho pain,
Bastards cut part of my intestine out.

Two good things about it though
1) keyhole surgery keeps the scar at about 5 or 6 inches

2) The doctor told me wearing a helmet would of made no difference.

I will tell you the lucky, almost miraculous story in a few days, many humorous parts in amongst the bad.
Sounds like a crypto crash.