You laugh you lose

pink poodle

Do they leave the area or just get momentarily richer from stealing your bikes?
Of all the missing bikes, I have retrieved one (thanks to a helpful burner) from the harbour and seen one ride down the street I used to live on as I was talking to a neighbour and carrying a lot of groceries. He offered to pursue the fellow for me on his motorcycle and retrieve the bike. But I declined the offer. It felt a little sinister.


Of all the missing bikes, I have retrieved one (thanks to a helpful burner) from the harbour and seen one ride down the street I used to live on as I was talking to a neighbour and carrying a lot of groceries. He offered to pursue the fellow for me on his motorcycle and retrieve the bike. But I declined the offer. It felt a little sinister.
What ended up happening to the submarine bike, was it a total bin job?