The Walking Dead

B Rabbit

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Nah, that looks like shit.
haha, maybe it is. I actually quite enjoy it but. They usually have an actor or director on and go through how they did certain scene's or talk about the back story a little more. Might be worth giving it a go ;)

PINT of Stella. mate!

Many, many Scotches
I think they're setting up Carol to be 'the big bad' for the rest of this season. They made a point of reminding us that she freaked the wimpy kid out in the first place, then she guns down the Wolf bloke who'd just learned a bit of redemption and she's at odds with Morgan who is going to be the new Hershel

The whole Nagen shit (rival community, murderous power-crazy leader) is just a rehash of The Governor's story. I think (hope) it'll just be background to a civil-war style breakdown between Rick and Carol


I'll tells ya!
Staff member
Hey, just sat down to stream season 6 but the usual website I use isn't working. Anyone got any tips?

*Wanted to look though the thread to see if it was already mentioned but want to avoid spoilers even more....


I don't stream but usually download from piratebay or kickass torrents. Which steaming site do you usually use?

PINT of Stella. mate!

Many, many Scotches
God this show has really turned to shit.

"Oh Noes. THey're held captive by some of Negans never-ending supply of peoples."

isn't this the 4th or 5th time this has happened? I was just surprised that they ended with that rather than have them all get rescued in the nick of time by I dunno, Eugene wielding a laser cannon. This whole 'capture, escape, kill' rinse cycle they're on must have depleted Negan's forces by about 30 or 40 people. Seriously, how much of a threat can they be?

There are also some serious wtf? decisions being made by Rick and everyone too (hey lets let our only Dr go out on a supply run to be killed. Lets all go running out after Carol and Darryl when we know there's a rival group out to get us)

Think I might be done with it...


Likes Bikes
Does anyone else watch Z-Nation? I’m really enjoy it much more than TWD, which has just become grim. Z-Nation has a lot more humour, “... the Z’s got into the pharmaceuticals, some of them are on speed, but more than a few of them got into the Viagra” – now that’s Champagne script writing.

Season 3 starts in September, I get it from


I'll tells ya!
Staff member
Just watched #16 of this series and I'm done with it. There's just too much in it now that annoys me.

For what it's worth, I bet it was Abraham that copped it.


Likes Dirt
LOL its funny how people complain about the constant living vs living battles when the whole theme of the show is "fight the dead, fear the living".

Should be Glenn that had his head smooshed. But I'm kinda hoping it was Eugene, if for no other reason than that brilliant parting scene earlier where he finally grows a pair. I could have just about kissed the bloke after that, bless him and his glorious mullet.

PINT of Stella. mate!

Many, many Scotches
Cheap cliffhanger ending? That shit was shonkier than Glenn's miraculous escape earlier in the season.

It's well and truly jumped the shark. Don't hold up much hope for Fear The Walking Dead either. Just going to be a bunch of whiny knobs trapped in a boat. I'll probably only watch it because I've the hots for Kim Dickens


I'll tells ya!
Staff member
Definitely jumped the shark.

Heaps of annoying crap has crept in over time: Glen's escape was ridiculous, the way people were just coming and going from Alexandria without any forethought or coordination. The way Alexandria was under threat from other groups (such as Wolves, etc.) yet their guard posts are just people standing above the wall like a big "shoot me" target (no forward observation posts to do counter-surveillance or to act as early warning in case of pending attack, no perimeter patrols or any of the basic defensive tactics and strategies). That they hadn't created any armoured vehicles (except that thing of Carol's with the stupid poles coming out of it. They way they attacked the Saviours without doing any kind of meaningful intelligence gathering and reconnaissance. The way the Saviours are so huge and well organised yet they hadn't even touched Alexandria yet. Morgan is one annoying pain in the arse of a character. As soon as Eugene was introduced I never believed he had any "cure". The way that romance dramas are now being intertwined as an intrinsic part of the story line. That last scene with Negen was drawn out to idiotic lengths. The way Jesus was invested in so deeply as a character yet "poof" he's totally disappeared from the story for episodes on end. The way Glen and Shane were arguing really noisily in the bush when they knew the Saviours were likely in the area. Etc. etc. etc.

I really want to enjoy it as it takes me a lot to give a shit about TV and this was a great show. It just has too much silly shit in it now to enjoy anymore. I'd prefer it if they'd ended the story a season back and started doing meaningful spin-offs instead.

Anyway, to those that are still in to it, I look forward to intermittent updates when key characters get offed. :dance:
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