Post and Explain your Avatar


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Mine is just my bike leaning against a clothes line, was out at a job and it was a really nice day so I decided to take some photos, in the small pic it looks like it's been photoshopped or painted or something (I think). I'm on the phone at the moment and I'm pretty sure I can't copy text so I can't embed a photo, so I'll do it when I get home, but trust me the smaller picture looks so much better!

Ok, So i'm home now, here is the full size pic

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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Mine really has no meaning. Its just a great picture. Makes a fairly recognisable avatar too I thought, since I usually refer to peoples avatar's more than the name for identification.

Richo 18

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Mine is Oscar the Grouch. Because I am Oscar. And I can be grouchy and cynical. I also edited the picture that is my avatar to have more pop and impact, with my amateur photoshop skills.:p


Crashed out somewhere
a logo i use for Fearless Cycles pipe dream and Fearless Citations for my graphic/photo biz

also comes in


Plow King

Little bit.
Mine is a kid riding a tortoise. I chose it to point out my obvious riding deficiencies. Plus it also elaborates on my lazyness and fatness.
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Breezeway Bandit
Its Fry from Futurama. Fry has red hair, as do I.

Fry likes the future, as do I.

I have a thing for chicks with one eye, just like Fry.

Thats about it really.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros. Global a go go

An amazing album, skips from rock to folk to reggae to jazz and then mashes them all together. I reckon I've listened album at least twice a week for the last eight or so years - it's got a longevity which unfortunately, Joe didn't.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Mine is exactly what it says it is...A custom avatar, 100 by 100 pixels.
Set in Helvetica. I like Helvetica.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Hooning around and yelling abuse on Saturday nights got boring when everyone was able to recognize us. A solution? Dress up in tuxedo's and scream masks! Boo yeah!

Makes for IMO a pretty sweet avatar, easily distinguishes myself from other posters. Edited a wee bit on my computer before being uploaded.


Likes Dirt
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< well...........I guess I just really like vegtables, mmm...sure do