Anyone have a MyGov account?


his flabber is totally gastered
Other than the RB and an obscure email account from the 90s I had no online presence until a few years ago when I decided to get an Instagram account. So many of my friends across that time couldn't understand why I didn't want to put all my personal information online...I was considered a conspiracy nutter. I wasn't, I just didn't want my details everywhere because of risks like this. I even did my tax return on paper until I was left with absolutely no alternative.

And didn't covid crush all of that! So many things I needed access to and was unable to do without or the state gov alternative.
I still do paper tax returns. They gnash their teeth and wail at me, but it is still ok.


his flabber is totally gastered
A lot of stuff for seniors is like that too.

I think the local sports clubs required documentation of Covid jabs months ago, and I had to log into government sites with personal details.
Even covid certification could be got outside of MyGov. They made it hard, but I did get it.


custom titis
The sooner we move to communism the better - then it will all be “ours” and nothing can be stolen as you are just stealing from yourself


taking a shit with my boobs out
I does every other NSW and probably Federal government employee. It's how they get their group certificate each year...
Not just Gov employees.

For the last 2 years we have no longer got a group certificate from my employer, instead an email to say its available in MyGov.

Not sure If we could get a paper one if requested.


Not particularly enlightened
Any smart devices controlling your home, is a truly un-smart idea. Smart door locks? No thanks.
I hate smart devices more than my ex girlfriend but when i was looking to buy a tv I had no choice.

I'm salty enough getting forced to use a smart phone let alone forced to use a smart tv.

Honestly, if I could choose to get triple teamed by a bunch of black dudes so i can get some dumb devices back I would.