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  1. H

    Most overated bike products

    EBC also fail at car brake pads(I use RaceBrakes or Endless)
  2. H

    Fast times- Fitness vs Skill

    I see aloot of people saying fitness and muscle mass counts, but no tips on improving it! A couple of hours a week could go along way, 2-3 sessions in the gym, focusing on three simple movements- Squat/Deadlift/Military(overhead)Press All can be done in any gym or shed, only need a 5-6'...
  3. H

    So What Bones Have You Broken????

    scaphiod and re-fractured it a few times, +nose
  4. H

    Riverside gang bashing

    sucks to here guys, MOD EDIT - Please keep your personal observations re racial profiling OUT of Farkin. best off doing boxing and a street style self defence course... learn how to throw a good punch and protect your torso/head. -Ryan
  5. H

    what bike for around $800???

    where are you located? most likely selling my 2006 norco sasquatch soon
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    Glen Waverley

    glenny dj's :P PM me
  7. H

    THE RIM ROUND UP- Read this before you ask...

    thanx guys, pikes and wheelset to come :D the memeber who suggested dice/MTX has hadelys/729's... thanx all for the input, watch for a write up in a few weeks. -Ryan
  8. H

    THE RIM ROUND UP- Read this before you ask...

    hey guys, i have read most of this thread, and have a quick question... i am planning on buying a new wheelset shortly, for FR/DH on my norco sasquatch, getting pikes soon too. This brings me to my Q, i was thinking of getting Mavic 721's with Hope Bulbs, 20mm front, 135/12mm rear. But a...
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    what about a hope bulb?