What does your day look like?

pink poodle

I would like to throw it out over the jump, but I would definitely hit the rails.

Exciting news - there was some trail work going on there today. A dual slalom course has been built and is nearly finished. It looks really fun. The old gravel pump trap at the bottom has been turned into a pretty cool asphalt pump track by (i believe) the people who did the redhead pump track. Just need some sweet dj lines and I'll be a happy boy.

Fred Nurk

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This is a long way short of the biggest jump I've ever hit, in fact it isn't even the biggest jump I've hit this week, but fuck me I had to work for it! I'm on the smallest cog in my cassette and absolutely mashing the pedals in the reasonably steep run in to make the not very long top on this. I also felt a lot higher than this! There was not a lot of reward for the efforts.

But in bike related news, the ibis went really well. I really feel the size of the wheels and length of the bike trying to rail berms. It felt like a magic carpet over the chunder. Pedalling up wasn't too arduous. All in a good day was had.

Dales Cannon

lightbrain about 4pm
Staff member
Wifey finally agreed to get a replacement electric piano keyboard thing after many years of using the baby Yamaha thing. New one had no speaker as it is meant to drive a cab or similar in a band. #2 last century had a baby vox when he was learning the bass in 1ry school. It has long since been cupboard storage but the power supply was lost. Manual on the Web was 12V and 2.5A. I made a 1/4" patch cable and was heading off to get another power supply and socket. Found an old router which had a 12V 2.5A power supply! Stuff the socket, pull it to bits and direct solder to the board. Tie a knot to hold the cable and it works. 100% recycled. Mind you the piano sounds fucking weird in organ mode and the vox doing pedal effects.


One potato, two potato, click