You laugh you lose


Mountain bike pornographer

Fred Nurk

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I work with a guy who is a dead set conspiracy theorist and he was having a spirited conversation with one of the other engineers (he's a mechatronics engineer himself) about EMF and ionising and non-ionising radiation, and how you won't get skincancer if you go bare foot. He said it was something to do with how your skin acts like a faraday cage and you need to ground your body to earth. o_O
That is not the contemporary definition of skin effect...


his flabber is totally gastered

pink poodle


I actually had this happen in 2022 when I was working in the NDIS. An older woman came into the cafe, the sort that only have an outside voice..."where's all he disabled people? This cafe is supposed to be staffed by disabled people and I can't see any!" That may not be an accurate post but it is fairly representative of what she yelled at me and my clients. It was like she came to the zoo and the exhibit she wanted was closed. My wrath was unleashed. What does a disabled person look like? And on I went...she didn't buy anything and left.