Whats the snow season up to???


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Any knowlede as to what the up coming seasons going to offer us?
What are the some of the best runs?


Wheel size expert
Any knowlede as to what the up coming seasons going to offer us?
Hopefully some snow...So if we all start praying, maybe, just maybe we will get some this year.

Best runs eh? What are you on? Skis? Snowboard? Best run IMO is off the side of Bogong or Feathertop backcountry style but knowing me, ill probably just suffice for the bowl at Stirling this year because of Year 12.


Likes Bikes
yeah its a bit like that!

I'm a downhiller true and through, stuff snowboading.......tried it and fell on my arse like 756 times!!!


The Great White Rooks Hunter
well im interested to see mt buller... and what fire damage there actually was down the bottom of wombat/buller spur/ fed/ the whole south side facein side.

and hope that they actaulyl get some snow, so i can ride the north side for once in the last 3 years...


Crashed out somewhere
snowed on buller the other day, and buller has had a SHIAT load of rain, so most the crap is fairly thick down at meribah,snow season i cant seing being flash but prove me wrong.


The Great White Rooks Hunter
It snowed at perisher the other day. So hopefully thats a good sign of things to come.

...mmm i wish it was, but thinking that last year lake mountain got more culmalative snow fall out of the season then in the season, i dont think it means much if it snows a bit early..

buller got bucketetet on last season at easter time as well... didnt mean it was good season.

but we can only pray. :)


Likes Dirt
When it is open, nothing beats the funnel web at Thredbo. Sadly, it rarely snows enough to get sufficient coverage, and they can't/won't haul in snow because it is too steep and rough for the groomers (also means it doesn't get groomed all season). But catch it on a good season and there are moguls the size of a mini. The run isn't about who can make it down faster, it is who can make it down. period.


Likes Dirt

Agreed. But if you want some snowboarding singletrack in Spring, Drop into the golf course bowl, enjoy that for a bit, before heading into the trees to cross back over to funnel web. The lines created through here when there is not much snow are mad. In a tricky way.

:eek: :eek: :eek: