Waking with a jolt/shock... what's this called!


I've been able to lucid dream for years now. I'd been aware I was able to do it for a long time before I knew it had an official name. Started "training" to do it once I realised it was actually something pretty special, now I can do it pretty much whenever I want.

Generally it's during a nightmare when I'm like "Monster? Fucking monster whatever! This is clearly a dream, gimme a lightsaber, I'll show you monster!"

Otherwise it's from recognising one of the triggers like;
- Light switches don't produce instantaneous changes in brightness, you can only fade the lights on and off in dreams.
- You can't read a dream-book for shit. You just make things up that then appear on the page, especially when it's a book you've never read before.

So yes, I can pretty much lucid dream on cue. It's pretty sweet and a lot of the stuff written about "training" yourself to do it works really well.

Also, desperately resisting urge to change thread title to "Wanking with a jolt"


My dreams are rarely stable and specific enough to lucid dream. Very conceptual in nature, and usually brief.

Ryan - are yours quite detailed and accurate in comparison to this?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Had a bad one 2 nights ago. I just recently had surgery too, legs in a cast etc. It really didnt feel good for it, considering my leg was almost jerked from the cast. :eek:


Likes Dirt
I've been able to lucid dream for years now. I'd been aware I was able to do it for a long time before I knew it had an official name. Started "training" to do it once I realised it was actually something pretty special, now I can do it pretty much whenever I want.

Generally it's during a nightmare when I'm like "Monster? Fucking monster whatever! This is clearly a dream, gimme a lightsaber, I'll show you monster!"

Otherwise it's from recognising one of the triggers like;
- Light switches don't produce instantaneous changes in brightness, you can only fade the lights on and off in dreams.
- You can't read a dream-book for shit. You just make things up that then appear on the page, especially when it's a book you've never read before.

So yes, I can pretty much lucid dream on cue. It's pretty sweet and a lot of the stuff written about "training" yourself to do it works really well.

Also, desperately resisting urge to change thread title to "Wanking with a jolt"
Master, Teach me everything you know?

No seriously PM me with things i can do to do it. Please?

EDIT: Tonight i will have a lucid dream. I have a Thread on a Astral/Lucid Forum and i will have a loop of 'I Am Dreaming' played over Delta Brain Wave Stimulation.

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Likes Dirt
i was arguing with a few guys at school awhile ago, about if you see your self dead in a dream you die in your dream in real life, pretty far fetched if you ask me but they were really serious about saying they saw/read it somewhere. Just thought this would be the right thread to clear this arguement.


pretty far fetched if you ask me but they were really serious about saying they saw/read it somewhere. Just thought this would be the right thread to clear this arguement.
Because reading the thread would be way too easy....

As obvious as this is, and as dumb as your friends are, let's make it clear for you. Death in dream does not equal death. Just the same as fucking a zombie in your dreams doesn't mean you'll make thrusting motions into the bed while moaning 'braaaaaaaains'.


My dreams are rarely stable and specific enough to lucid dream. Very conceptual in nature, and usually brief.

Ryan - are yours quite detailed and accurate in comparison to this?
slip - Generally very detailed, specific and realistic dreams. I quite often have repeated settings or themes that stick around in my dreams for weeks or months at a time, which makes recognising them easier.

Bocaj1994 - I can't really teach you how to do it because what works for me won't necessarily work for you. I usually become aware of the dream whilst dreaming through recognising one of the triggers / reality checks, that might not work for you.

Seriously though, do some research and look for a method that sounds like it applies to the kind of dreams you have. That's how I got started, then I realised that I generally have what they call Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dreams (MILD) which are the ones where you recognise a trigger during the dream. I then taught myself to be able to recognise more of the triggers while dreaming, simple as that. As I said though, it's usually monsters, books or light-switches that do it for me.


slip - Generally very detailed, specific and realistic dreams. I quite often have repeated settings or themes that stick around in my dreams for weeks or months at a time, which makes recognising them easier.

Bocaj1994 - I can't really teach you how to do it because what works for me won't necessarily work for you. I usually become aware of the dream whilst dreaming through recognising one of the triggers / reality checks, that might not work for you.
Funny this thread should come up. Since I was about 10 (I think it was around then) I have been able to lucid dream. I can also make myself wake up, I dunno if thats common or not but it sounds pretty cool to me. Basically to do that, in my dream I just make myself blink really hard, and that wakes me up. Funnily enough when I wake up my eyes are jammed shut as hard as they were in the dream.

But yeah, lucid dreaming is great, especially when you can do it to the point where you can control your speech (unless that's normal) and exactly what you do. A lot of the time I'll wake up in a 28 Weeks Later type of thing where the world is fucked over and full of zombies. It used to be quite frightening until I began to lucid dream and then it just became fun!


Porcinus Slappius
Waking with a jolt/shock... what's this called!

opening your eyes and seeing last nights 'conquest'?

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Likes Dirt
I haven't read this whole thread, not fully sure on the term lucid dream yet, but here's my input.:D
I can sometimes be dreaming, and control the dream in certain ways, like I'm aware of whats happening, and can somehow, either be aware of whats gunna happen, or decide whats gunna happen. It's pretty cool, but then I wake up thinking it really happened in real life. (Hope this makes sense...) (Also, hope this isn't some weird condition haha...)
Also, this 'jolt' thing, I usually get if I'm dreaming of playing footy, and kicking the ball or something, nothing intense, lasts for split second but I usually go back to sleep.
EDIT: now that I read this, makes me sound like bloody weird.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Recently my sleep has been so disturbed I'll wake up ~5 times a night, after waking I'll walk around the house/look out the window/have a slash and check up on stuff/grab a drink. Prior to waking up I will be dreaming - so when I wake up I can recall dreams/what I was thinking before I've woken. So after a nights sleep I may be able to recall 4-5 dreams (often about the same or similar things). On the odd occasion I will realise I'm in a dream and take control. Often I end up with a moto or a bike in my hands and do insane wheelies.


Simmo - You're lucid dreaming when you're aware of a dream and able to control what's happening in it.

Matt - Being able to control your speech is pretty commonplace. I, for example, am able to spit dope rhymes when challenged to dream rap-battles ;)

Any of you who lucid dream frequently ever experienced 'The Hag'? If you have, you know exactly who/what I'm talking about, so go ahead and describe the scary bitch!


Likes Dirt
About a year or so ago, I was up at Maitland for the Radio Controlled car Nationals.
On the morning of the first day of racing, while my dad was packing the car up ready to head out to the track, me and my mate were still sleeping and we both started to sleep talk. Although we were in different motel rooms, we were talking to each other in our sleep. I'm not sure exactly what was said, but apparently we were saying things like 'Look out on the first corner' and 'There's going to be a big pileup on the first lap'.

Anyway, Finals came and I had bagged Top Qualifier, so I was starting at the front of the grid. On the first corner of the first Stock A-final, I drove straight into the witches hat and just sat there on my roof until the marshall got there. needless to say, I was pretty bummed. haha.
I don't know what I did to deserve that, but it was pretty funny.

Matt H

Eats Squid
All this talk of lucid dreaming has gone and got franz ferdinand stuck in my head... bastards...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Any of you who lucid dream frequently ever experienced 'The Hag'? If you have, you know exactly who/what I'm talking about, so go ahead and describe the scary bitch!
Why just describe when we can meet up in dreamland and rap battle about her? Oh it's on!!!


Likes Dirt
I've done some intense and crazy things whilst dreaming. I could name 1000's of different scanerios. One recurring theme though, is I'll be doing something (anything), then shit will start to go wrong somehow, and I'll freak out. I'll be trying to run away or protect myself, but the instructions my brain gives out to my body are simply ignored. My legs feel heavy, I'll repeatedly fall over to the ground, instead of moving forwards I'll just spin around in circles like I'm on a slippery surface and yeah basically there's like an opposing force on any movement I try and make. It's really crazy to be honest.

Does anybody dream through other characters? I often dream but I'm not myself... I could be a friend, family member, person from a different country that speaks another language, member of the opposite sex, famous people, etc... it's really quite strange, and at the time it's not really a dream - I'm just living life as somebody else.

EDIT: also on topic, last night I woke with a jolt. I got into a disagreement in a bar and I was trying to resolve the issue with this crazy guy - then on the extreme left side of my vision I see someone swinging a punch at my face. It connected to my jaw and I fell back and just as my head was hitting a bar table, I awoke with a jolt in a sweat...
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Likes Dirt
....and something happened in my dream that I think is now real. So I'll be fully awake, but still living out the dream. One night I thought I dreamt that there was an intruder in the house. I went and grabbed some scissors from my desk and checked the place out. No one there so I just went back to bed. Woke up the next day thinking "what a weird dream", but my desk draw was open and I had some scissors in my hand.

I also sleep talk a lot when I'm sleeping in a new environment. Whenever I stay over at someone's place I always warn them haha. Happens 95% of the time.
I do the "wake up and still think I'm in the dream" thing. I used to have a bedroom full of snakes (in cages) as a kid, and once I dreamt a tiger snake had escaped and curled up between my feet while I was sleeping, and it was angry and ready to bite me. I woke up too scared to move for about an hour.

Another time I woke up and ran down to some big cages I had in the back yard, in the middle of the night with a torch. I was dreaming that a snake was escaping, and I woke from the dream and ran down to catch the escaping snake. It was really confusing, because when I got there, there was no snake. Hmmmm, but I just saw it!!

Just the other night I dreamt there was someone in the house so I woke up totally psyched and crept through the house ready to take them on! I don't think the dogs knew what was going on. Neither did I :D

I also talk in my sleep, and even sing. And ex girl friend used to ask me questions in my sleep and I'd answer. The best one was when she asked me the meaning of life one night, and I replied "Flow and Harmony". Bloody hippy.