The Photo Snob Thread

Hey guys, I'm hoping someone on here point me in the right direction; you guys always do.

I'm heading over to NZ at the end of the year for a uni trip and figured it would be a damn good opportunity to get some sweet shots, if not I'll have a 'decent" camera with me. What I was wondering was is there any camera bag that is quite minimal? As in it fits the camera and a lens and that's it. I've got a small one that will hold the cameran and a couple of lenses, plus a backpack type dealio but I'm after something small that I can carry in the field but still keep my camera safe.

Also, any recommendation on lenses? It will be predominantly landscape so I was just thinking I'd live with the 18mm-55mm that came with the camera. I do however have a relatively decent 90mm macro that, although is a better lens, will lose some of that wide angle-ness that I'd be after.

I'd rather keep the whole package small, but I guess I could live with two lenses.

Anyway, enough from me. I just thought I'd put the question out there to see what people in the know knew.

Edit: Something like this but for an SLR+lens:

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Hey guys, I'm hoping someone on here point me in the right direction; you guys always do.

I'm heading over to NZ at the end of the year for a uni trip and figured it would be a damn good opportunity to get some sweet shots, if not I'll have a 'decent" camera with me. What I was wondering was is there any camera bag that is quite minimal? As in it fits the camera and a lens and that's it. I've got a small one that will hold the cameran and a couple of lenses, plus a backpack type dealio but I'm after something small that I can carry in the field but still keep my camera safe.

Also, any recommendation on lenses? It will be predominantly landscape so I was just thinking I'd live with the 18mm-55mm that came with the camera. I do however have a relatively decent 90mm macro that, although is a better lens, will lose some of that wide angle-ness that I'd be after.

I'd rather keep the whole package small, but I guess I could live with two lenses.

Anyway, enough from me. I just thought I'd put the question out there to see what people in the know knew.

Edit: Something like this but for an SLR+lens:

There's tons on the market, head straight into any major camera retailer and they'll have one.

Dead pixels or just dirt?

Very cool shots there xplor!

Snobbers, I have a problem with my 7D. I appear to be getting dead pixels on everything shot above F10, maybe lower as I haven't tested everything. See below image with red dots.
I haven't noticed it before as I open my files straight in to Adobe Camera Raw and this tool fixes them for me automatically.

I'm hoping someone can either confirm they are dead pixels or advise that it's just a dirty sensor which needs some much deserved love.

Large version here.





Likes Bikes
Hi mate,

Definitely a few dead pixels on the image I can see on the right hand side. Not dirt as dirty sensor do not appear as red spots. Should see if you can get a problem on the net to calibrate the sensor or take it into a repairer.

What ISO are you using in that photo?


Hi mate,

Definitely a few dead pixels on the image I can see on the right hand side. Not dirt as dirty sensor do not appear as red spots. Should see if you can get a problem on the net to calibrate the sensor or take it into a repairer.

What ISO are you using in that photo?

Hi Dan,

The "red spots" are all over the image, I figured they were dead pixels but wanted to be 100% sure.

ISO 200 for that shot.




Likes Bikes
Hi Dan,

The "red spots" are all over the image, I figured they were dead pixels but wanted to be 100% sure.

ISO 200 for that shot.


Hi Hux,

Try this cheapo way I've used to fix hot pixels. Put a bod cap on. Go to menu and select the self clean on ur camera but only highlight it. Change the iso in the camera to 32,000 or above ISO. Then put it on bulb and leave the shutter open for up to 40 seconds. Next go to menu and do a in camera sensor clean.

Worked on my Nikon, not sure about ur 7D. Worth a try.



Hi Hux,

Try this cheapo way I've used to fix hot pixels. Put a bod cap on. Go to menu and select the self clean on ur camera but only highlight it. Change the iso in the camera to 32,000 or above ISO. Then put it on bulb and leave the shutter open for up to 40 seconds. Next go to menu and do a in camera sensor clean.

Worked on my Nikon, not sure about ur 7D. Worth a try.


Thanks Dan. Will give it a try tonight. I have tried doing this method however I didn't have the settings set as you point out above. Was on M and ISO 100 from memory.




Farkin Gorilla.
Hi Callan,

This is pretty grainy, while I think it's awesome and I'm not critiquing here, my question is are grainy images acceptable in paid jobs?



p.s. anyone can chip in here.
I probably wouldn't give BW images to clients (other than my weddings) and generally wouldn't put grain on a colour image.

I'm not really a fan of fake grain, though given the washed out look to these (and most of my) black and white photos, sometimes they just need it ...


Likes Dirt
It's soon time to add to my very slowly growing kit.

Current glass for my FF camera: 24-105 , 50 1.8

Thinking of purchasing Sigma 35 1.4 ART or 50 1.4 ART .

Thoughts? Suggest anything else? I am leaning towards prime.