The Photo Snob Thread

Alec McJo

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Alec, needs better lighting, white balance, and probably some other stuff. Plus he's about to almost miss the ball completely :p.
Look closer, the balls already in the air ;) (shots already been taken)

Agreed with everything else though haha. I'll actually have my flash there next time (just had my 50mm and was on the way home with the 50D I'd just picked up) but yeah should be better then ;)

PS Is the gig picture Ghosts? I like it :)
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Likes Dirt
Samfish, you love your urban exploration don't you. Prints look good.
Sure do :) Thanks haha

Went on a shoot the other day, this photo was taken at 7:05pm, had my Vivitar on full for it. 6 frames stitched. Excuse the wide picture haha :)

Not very happy with that shoot, it was way too dark and we really wanted to leave haha.. places like that get quite dangerous after dark, we ran into 4 different graffiti artists, 2 of which looked like heroin addicts.
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Lives in a hole
Bastards stole my photo...
That app is just a collection of pictures! So are 'pixapp' just going around, pilfering other people's photos, throwing them together in an app package, and then selling them?!

Sound like first class leeches. I say fuck 'em. Fuck 'em hard.

Unless of course there's some sort of arrangement going on with vital bmx, then maybe your beef lies with them?


Forever 1,337
Film buffs, anyone used Fuji 800 Press? Inherited a bunch of rolls from a wedding photographer friend who decided to get rid of most of his film gear. Heard it was pretty expensive, not sure they make it any more. Made similar to superia and reala, but high ISO colour, and supposedly handles it quite nicely. Anyway they're chillin in my fridge. pretty keen to try them.

Some lovely shots lately. Always a fan of C.Rob's. Been shooting alot of film lately, so not much to upload yet.

Shot this on Wednesday. Slapped my mates flash trig on while he was shooting and kept his settings. Too much flash power blew the highlights, so had to dial the RAW down alot. Shoulda pulled the P's, but they were Zippied. C&C for car shots would be great!



Likes Bikes and Dirt
Went for a shoot with 2 fellow farkiners yesterday.... was a bit of fun. Did some stuff with my camera that I havn't tried before, delved more into the settings side of things. Anyway, here are the results. C+C appreciated.

^^ This ones for you hux, you set me the task of taking a photo in an alley using a remote flash, here's the results. Pretty lame considering I had no subject, but the old timer and running into the frame went alright.
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I hate you guys and your awesomeness. Mine is nothing compared to the rest off the stuff on this page but others have liked it and what's the point of taking a photo when it's not going to get seen?
