The Photo Snob Thread

was playing on my mates 5D today, oh how i want one!
alot of distortion for a 20-35 lense
by the end of this month, i will have payed off my camera, and we be able to hit up some lenses.
im trying to work out what lenses i am keen on.
so far im thinking my bag will have:
tokina 10-17
old tamron 80-210 (for the zoom factor costing me like $30)
24-70 or 135
incablitz flash

any suggestions/reccomendations?


P.S. i really like that shot tupper
10 -20, 24-70L, 70-200L....that's all you'll probably all you'll ever need.

Extreme Hucker

Likes Dirt
I copied Callan and decided to set up a studio but with one more addition.

Got the twin umbrella kit with stands, AND the background setup.
All i need now is a backdrop, but since i spent all my money, it may take
a little while.

Anywho here's my setup with a ghetto paper roll.
Were moving so theres hardly any space to put stuff.


And a quick pic



Likes Dirt
Just one from me today. Really need to find the time and get out to properly shoot soon. Would love some CC on the comp.

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Likes Dirt
The colours and the contrast between them are amazing in that photo, just the right amount of each. Although I think it would be better if you could see on the bottom left either more sky or just plain orange - the bright orange pulls a bit out of the contrast.

One from me shot today - any tips appreciated!



Likes Dirt
Extreme Hucker the highlights are blown to smithereens brother, if your shooting RAW bracket away (= 3 photos. one at correct exposure, one at 1 stop over and one at 1 stop under) merge the three using layers or HDR and take the detail inherent in each of the three photos and make one image that has data right through the range. also in RAW you can quite easily take the backdrop out to white (i mean white, not nothing, there should still should be detail there... just) from an overexposed shot of the CD's then using layers drop that in behind a correctly exposed image of the rack.

best photo i've seen in here for a while. it's not big enough to really scrutinise but i'd say you've got an excellent composition going with a very very good exposure- there appears to be good contrast through the tonal range with detail in the darkest darks and in the brightest brights. you should be ver very happy with that.


Likes Dirt
best photo i've seen in here for a while. it's not big enough to really scrutinise but i'd say you've got an excellent composition going with a very very good exposure- there appears to be good contrast through the tonal range with detail in the darkest darks and in the brightest brights. you should be ver very happy with that.
Thanks! I had been thinking of taking the shot for a while, I was really happy when I got home and chucked it on the computer. If you feel like it the larger version is here

And yes, Gluey it is Galston Gorge.


Likes Dirt
I'm in the same situation as him.
Is the video quality of the 500D anywhere near the quality of the 5D's?
got a 500D the other day, the video quality is great, but its not for making bike videos, maybe family videos.

Don't go out buying it thinking that it may also be your new video camera.

where as i have now been filming with someone who has a 5D and the quality is great and the frame rate still fine.

but the 500D is a sweet cam.


Likes Dirt
Yew! Just got my cactus kf36, v4 trigger and receiver, and wireless shutter release. I'm gonna have some fun tonight! and tomorrow, and this weekend..


Likes Dirt

30 images taken at 75mm @ F/2.8, tiled and blended together to create what would would be the equivalent of a single picture taken at something like 28mm focal length at f/0.6 or so.
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