Staying healthy


look at me

After reading the weight loss topic, I wanted to start one along the lines of health. I do have issues within my family relating to weight and heart disease/heart attacks at 40 etc etc etc, however over the last few years cycling has kept my waist down. My main issue however is getting sick and getting fatigued REALLY easy. I eat well and a lot of food, I don't go out that much, I get 8 hours sleep a night and so on. I have had glandular fever for years now and each time I get tests done its always the same, they just say 'it will go away eventually'. Ok fair enough, but for some reason it seems to also reduce my immune system greatly which results in being sick a lot. I want to ride and get strong as much as possible but its a pain in the friggen ass when I just get sick all the time! I always use a gradual training program and I still end up crook!

So what options do I have? I am sick of constantly bumping up my immune system with silly expensive vitamin tablets which don't seem to do a great deal. What food should I start eating more of to help my immune system or what is there out there to help prevent getting sick and fatigued all the bloody time! Michael Rogers managed to get over Glandular Fever in 4 months, so what did he do, or was he just lucky? I tried getting in contact with AIS as well for tips for athletes with this but they just sent back a 'our doctors are for athletes only' reply. So anyone with similar experiences any help would be better than what I have atm!