Oz Lotto $90million Jackpot


Likes Dirt
Have some tickets...... I hope it was an omen (a good one), we one 250 rods on a scratchy today.



Likes Dirt
If I win, I'll buy a chairlift for Mt Stromlo, after I buy a few thousand trucks of dirt to pile on it to raise the vertical! Yeah ha ha!


Rotorburn Enthusiast
If I win, I'll buy a chairlift for Mt Stromlo, after I buy a few thousand trucks of dirt to pile on it to raise the vertical! Yeah ha ha!
Why not just buy your own hill thats better than Stromlo, build your own tracks and put in a chairlift? Sounds like a better idea to me...
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
I'm in it with a few work mates.

I know there's more of a chance of me blowing inside Jessica Alba by sun-up tomorrow than winning this lottery. But meh, I've spent money on far more sillier things.


The Great White Rooks Hunter
ps clearly i lied in the post above.... since there is no numbers above 45..

but any way.

for those who want to know and cant get on real numbers.

12, 3, 38, 21, 23, 29, 40, sups - , 43, 22.


Likes Dirt
if you had 45 million dollars you could have bought every combination..
definatly would have won then

if i did win,
i would have bought 90million dollars worth of red frogs!


Likes Dirt
I had numbers written down, so not actual ticket, and had Div. 5...GUESSING it would be around $100, trying to get on website but so many people must be on it at the moment haha.
I work at newsagent, but didn't get time to put in my own numbers, it was bloody busy as...


Likes Dirt
My mums boss bought $15 000 worth of tickets, with the chances of this winning is pretty damn slim , all you need is 1 winning ticket, shame im not old enough to buy them stupid 5 months away -_-


The Great White Rooks Hunter
I like the sound of this.

Far better than any stupid 106 million dollars or something.. pfft,
4 numbers, if they are winners, not sups, gives you div 5? or is it 6.. which would be any where from 30-100 bucks.

but 3 winners, and 1 sup gives you div 7, which is like 10-20 bucks.

i THINK .. when the ozlotto site cools down scope it in the how to play section.


Likes Bikes
Can someone explain what numbers mean what, what are supplementaries etc and how many numbers you need to win and how much you win?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Can someone explain what numbers mean what, what are supplementaries etc and how many numbers you need to win and how much you win?
You can't actually win. Supplementary numbers are those to give people the impression they've picked special numbers to make themselves feel good. Picking all the numbers wins you zero, just give me the ticket and i'll throw it out for you.