NO-WAY! Ryan Leech , 8mm cable ride.


Eats Squid
i think the width of the wire isn't really important anymore, he might as well of ridden a 1mm if one could be found that had a high enough tensile strength to hold his weight and didn't stretch too much.

it's very cool and shows and extreme amount of skill and talent, but it's kinda verging on beng a circus trick (like alot of northshore stunts did for a while ("ohh lookie the man is riding in a hamster wheel"))


Likes Dirt
If he's that good I'd like to see what the top UCI competition guys are doing. :eek:

Is it like comparing a freerider to a DH racer?
you pretty much got it in one. street trials and natural trials are two different things. sure the skills are pretty much the same but competition trials is on varying surfaces with limited room to move and the aim of the game is consistantly cleaning sections, the least amount of dabs wins. im not saying ryan leech isnt brillant on a bike but he is yet to prove himself in uci competition.
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Eats Squid
Does the style look any different? I know DH racers look a lot different to freeriders when they ride. All low and they turn much faster.

Anyone got any videos of UCI trials?


Eats Squid
Wow, that's just out of this world. I thought leech was good. They are jumping so much bigger gaps and doing it so fast.


Likes Dirt
How good is Neil Tunnicliffe

I love how he does those high fences and stuff by getting the front wheel up, his weight forward then switching to the rear wheel...


Likes Dirt
i think the width of the wire isn't really important anymore, he might as well of ridden a 1mm if one could be found that had a high enough tensile strength to hold his weight and didn't stretch too much.


Likes Dirt
I'm sorry i have to disagree fairly severely here.

You're correct in saying he's not the best rider. However to say the comp riders do tech sections Ryan couldn't comprehend is purely incorrect. An example of this is a video i have of a world's round in Cologne from maybe 2 years ago. There is a very short round rail to ride along (1 1/2 bike lengths max). Hosel, Belaey, Vinco and Benito all crash on it repeatedly. Ryan would eat it up everytime.

Sure he can't go as big as the pros but i suggest you look at some of his riding and actually think about the gaps he's doing. They're bigger than his smooth style makes them look.

So yes I agree he's not the best in the world but he doesn't pretend to be either.

And could you please back up the statement that he's a loud mouth with an example. I'm yet to run into anyone who's actually met Ryan who had anything but praise for him.

Jack... now ill go back to watching Crux...

mate go to and read a couple things on there about him ;)

i have READ that leech sucks at comps. he cant make a line to save himself. this is written by someone who actually met him and rode with him.

his manifesto style is due to the wonders of camera editing my friend.


Likes Dirt
mate go to and read a couple things on there about him ;)

i have READ that leech sucks at comps. he cant make a line to save himself. this is written by someone who actually met him and rode with him.

his manifesto style is due to the wonders of camera editing my friend.
Sorry, but what are you on about! You have been riding less than a year, how the hell can you give someone shit from what you have READ on the internet! "the wonders of camera editing" Please! Where can I purchase an editing program that makes me ride like that!


Likes Dirt
He rides with front suspension to protect his wrists which are wrecked from riding trials so much.... it used to be on the norco website in a q & a but in his profile.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Sorry, but what are you on about! You have been riding less than a year, how the hell can you give someone shit from what you have READ on the internet! "the wonders of camera editing" Please! Where can I purchase an editing program that makes me ride like that!
True that!


Likes Dirt
they dont show the previous attempts on DVDs do they
That would be rather boring if they showed all the crashes.

BUT Manifesto has a crash section, CRUX does show lines fail, and if I remember correctly Ryan Leech has talked about the number of attempts it takes to get lines right on numerous occasions in his email newsletter.

Of course you are well within your rights to dislike his riding style it just seems there is a fair bit of Tall Poppy Syndrome associated with Ryan Leech and people are happy to make some very strong and often unfounded attacks on him.

Still they say there is no such thing as bad publicity...