No Mortal Kombat for you


Heavy machinery.
Staff member
The whole classification system is driven by old fart politicians and bloody bible bashers. The R18+ rating needs to be put in place so adults can buy and play video games aimed at them. If the rating gets approval in July or whenever it is it will be up to the game shops, parents / guardians to uphold the purpose of the R18+ and not put the software in the hands of minors. I fully agree that we need an R18+ but deep down I don't particularly care what kids are playing. The point should be driven into them that it is a game and it should stay just a frigging game.
One bad point to having an R18+ rating in Australia will be the influx of absolute shit software being produced by third party developers. They'll see the window to create a game that allows you to court hot chicks, rape them and murder them. Yay, that'd be time well spent! An upside to allowing R18+ games in Australia is it will create jobs for plenty of people who may be able to exercise their creative ability and produce some astounding material.
Stop treating the adults of this country like fucking children and approve the rating already! :mad:


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One bad point to having an R18+ rating in Australia will be the influx of absolute shit software being produced by third party developers. They'll see the window to create a game that allows you to court hot chicks, rape them and murder them. Yay, that'd be time well spent!
That's simply not true. That kind of content will be refused classification, 18+ doesn't mean anything goes.