Moto Accident


Likes Dirt
Hey guys, I was recently in a car/moto accident near Emu Plains station where I was riding along the main road (at 70kmph) and a car pulled out across my lane. I only had time to think 'this is gonna wreck' and hit the brakes but plowed in to the side of the car and flew over the bars on to the road. I was lucky enough to be wearing my leathers and full face and such but I still scored a broken femur and a whole lot of grazes. This was 3 weeks ago and i've now got a metal nail in my thigh and get to hobble around on crutches for another 9 weeks.
The reason I'm writing is because I had third party property on my bike but the other guy was at fault so theoretically his insurance should pay for the costs. The police got involved at the scene and said to my dad that theyre going to try and get him on a negligent driving offence, but the problem is he still hasn't contacted us with his insurance info. At first I kinda accepted what had happened as the old 'shit happens' deal but now I'm getting more than a little pissed off because of the other guy not giving me his insurance details.
The police told me it was a company car so I can only presume he or the company has insurance, so what can I do?
Has this ever happened to anyone else?


Sorry to hear that sux, you should have the police report with the rego of the car, you can ring up the RTA and find out the owner details from the rego, it will cost you though,not much from memory, then you can contact the company and find out whats goin on


The Great White Rooks Hunter
have name?

google search name, facebook search name, find out company, call company, inform company of there shit head worker.

get your insurance details.

could work.. alot of people have facebook they days, and alot of people have their place of work on their home page.

my mate used facebook few weeks back to track down some one that sold him a falls ticket and did a dodgy. pretty handy resource.


Junkie (not the adrenalin type either)
The police will have all the information you will need to claim against him, a phone number will do, and you should be able to see them for it. Seeing as you're backed by a police report, and don't have an insurer yourself to do all the dirty work and to-ing and fro-ing I second or third the motion of a good lawyer. They will either deal directly with the driver, or their insurance company (depending on how dilligent they have been with reporting the incident) for you to get your claim sorted.

In our litigous society, seeing as it's taken weeks to get details and the police may be pursuing negligence charges, you could also possibly clamber for compensation for medical costs and stress if you're pissed off enough, but a good lawyer will be able to answer that more definitely for you.
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Likes Dirt
Finally starting to see some action today, called up the police and they said they didn't have the guys insurance details but they gave me his number to get them off him. So I called him up and he said that he wasn't allowed to give me anything, he claimed the police told him not to reply to anything I sent him. I instantly thought this was bullshit but called the police again and relayed the info and they said thats bullshit. So the police called him up (though apparently he took 5 or 6 rings to pick up) and got me his reference number so I can finally start things off.
And yeah I'm definitely looking to claim the med costs, I've lined up some lawyers for that.
I'm just disappointed at the other guy.


Likes Dirt
So I called him up and he said that he wasn't allowed to give me anything
this may be true if its a work car... our policy is just to give the usual drivers license/contact number, but then the company (or its insurance company) deals with the other party.

So, either he hasnt told his company, or the company is really slack-both probable :mad:

Good luck with it


Likes Dirt
Sendog - it maybe an obvious one, though I have had a similar incident.

Mate sure you claim everything up front. I had an accident a while ago and got pretty much everything covered bike / medical etc though as soon as it came to apparel that was apparently a different story. If you have stuffed your helmet + leathers make sure you get it all inclusive ... as pending quality of gear this can be well over $1k ... which you obviously don't wont coming from your back pocket.

I didn't go down the lawyer route - though if you have they should be all over this!

Good luck with it all ... true pain in the arse!