I have a schoolies dilema!!


logged out
Schoolies isn't the be all and end all, there are plenty of opportunities to have drunken underage sex later on in life.


Criminally Inane
rik its called pedofilia....dont wanna go there!
go next year...im reapetin yr11, n goin next year wit friends, then the year after when i ment to finish yr 12


Likes Dirt
This is just stupid.

Of course you should go.
I've hit up schoolies numerous times.

Alcohol: Occasional stomach irritation.

I'd say don't drink if you don't need it.
But definately go!

It looks like a cool drug :D

I love the side affects you get ;)

Side effects may include:
Anemia, black, hairy tongue, diarrhea, fever, hives, nausea, skin eruptions, stomach upset or pain, swelling in throat, vomiting

--------------- ---------------
Alcohol: Occasional stomach irritation.

Beverages: None expected.

Cocaine: No proven problems.

Acidic fruits or juices, Decreased antibiotic effect.

Marijuana: No proven problems.

Tobacco: None expected.

Looking at they, i'd say just hit up the coke instead ;)


Likes Dirt
Okay... i'm late on this one and all the oldies have gotten in first, but here's the deal from someone not TOO much older than you. Your going to Bali in a few weeks to do work experience for 1 month. If you are sick or take days off sick in that one month... NOT GOOD. As for the anti-biotics, if you don't finish them, the bug you had will mutate and get stronger. Your choice there, but i always like to kill them. As for drinking whilst on anti-biotics, NO, you will drink to much because your young and don't know your limits and end up in hospital with alcahol poising... schoolies isn't THAT important... gees man, you've got fricken YEARS of partyin ahead of you... and with your mates from school too if you keep in contact. Don't be such a baby Peachy :D , just finish your course of anti-biotics, go to bali, get a good rep with the Shero, come back, get a job and drink yourself stupid then. Trust me there is ALOT of time to drink yourself stupid and fall over and puke and all the good things in life! :lol:


ok yes I'm one of the "oldies" but then again i've done things that you couldn't even dream of in this life time :twisted:

Peachy my sweet, personally I'd foregoe schoolies, but if you must go - just go down for a couple of days and one nite and please do not drink, you've got no idea if some stupid bastard will slip something into your drink for a joke - and i'm not talking about rufies, or even ghb, even an X, charlie or whizz will fuck you over for days on end if you're 1. not expecting it and 2. mixing it with alkamahol or something like that

i've done some spectacularly stupid things to my body, including putting chemicals into it that I had no idea how they would inter-react. So I'm speaking from experience, not thru my arse.

I know you'll do what you do, and you'll have fun doing it, remember Em & lupine are a phone call away - if u need be so am I!!!!

Have fun babe


Likes Dirt
i say skip the antibiotics, they only weaken your imune system, stop being such a pussy about being sick, soooo many people these day's take anti biotics for every little thing. Let your body deal with it. Like it's supposed to. no saying you dont need them but ask yourself how sick where you? Then that'll give you your answer, ...hammm was just thinking schoolies is pretty much over so this info is pretty irrelivant.



Likes Dirt

don't worry about schoolies dude; because im mean to be there too but i can't because i've been sick for the last two weeks and it has been crap because i've had to becarfull in how much i drink at my grad and stuff but it didn't matter because i still got sick as the days went on and the sickness is stoping me from riding :cry:


Likes Bikes
Jeez, thought people wherent allowed to drink until they where 18.

Peachy, mate the things that you have been seeing on TV about schoolies makes me think that it aint a good place to be. Save up and go to Ibizi, you WILL NOT regret it.

By the way $1,500.00 for a ticket is hella expensive IMO.


Likes Dirt
drink u pussy!!! dont lewt anti biotics stop possibly the best time of ur life!!! im going next week and gonna be pissed every nite hopefully!!! drink till u pass out i say!!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
jeezus peachy, if schoolies is going to be the best time of your life, i'm going to shoot you in the head right now. it will save you becoming depressed about how crap your life has been when you get older.
there are so many things so much better than schoolies. as fun as it is, being around 30,000 pissed teenagers is nothing compared to newyears in edinburough or new york, just to name one thing.


lupine128 said:
there are so many things so much better than schoolies. as fun as it is, being around 30,000 pissed teenagers is nothing compared to newyears in edinburough or new york, just to name one thing.
or watching the sun rise over the pyramids, the first snow fall of the season, or the first time you see the southern cross in the sky after nearly 6 years of living in the northern hemisphere, or the northern lights, or your baby's heartbeat during the first scan..... ok I'll stop now but there is something you will be able to experience in a few short weeks, watching the sun rise over Kuta Beach.


ex offender
J3T-PuLsAr said:
drink u pussy!!! dont lewt anti biotics stop possibly the best time of ur life!!! im going next week and gonna be pissed every nite hopefully!!! drink till u pass out i say!!
Well aren't you the stupid fuck. If you:
a) can't have fun without alcohol
b) are stupid enough to drink when you're on antibiotics (hint: antibiotics means SERIOUS illness, not just a cold)
c) drink till you pass out
d) think schoolies will honestly be the best time of your life, THEN

You suck. Plain and simple.


Likes Dirt
J3T-PuLsAr said:
drink u pussy!!! dont lewt anti biotics stop possibly the best time of ur life!!! im going next week and gonna be pissed every nite hopefully!!! drink till u pass out i say!!
OOOHHHH!!!! I want to be your friend....NNNNNOOOOOTTTTT! *wanker alert*


Criminally Inane
Emerin said:
J3T-PuLsAr said:
drink u pussy!!! dont lewt anti biotics stop possibly the best time of ur life!!! im going next week and gonna be pissed every nite hopefully!!! drink till u pass out i say!!
OOOHHHH!!!! I want to be your friend....NNNNNOOOOOTTTTT! *wanker alert*
wooahh settle...
just coz jet-pulsar has a outgoing perspective of a hormone driven youngen..(comin from me)
just go and that day after...wishin u were dead think of us here on farkin...all our advice :p
but i was a fool...i used to drink myself silly..either passin out or spewin...i did this for about 6 months and realised fuk im stupid...yee thought id share my depressing story, ive finally realised you dont have to be drunk to have funn...speed/weed/lsd can do it for u :p