how to stop swearing?

Swearing is a big problem for me.
Fuck n Cunt are two words that regularly come outa my mouth.
When with friends it's not any better and I seem to say fuck a lot when I'm stressed or angry.

I now have a little girl and I don't won't her to pick any of it up, so my question is does any one
know how to cut it down or how to stop it completely ?

What are your methods?



Likes Bikes and Dirt
Learn a new language to open you mind to words other than fuck and cunt. Mostly swearing happens when your brain can't find alternative words. Maybe you should start saying what you mean rather than what you feel?

Nerf Herder

Wheel size expert
I hear electrodes to the goolies, meat and two veg, bat and ball, To N Fu is very effective :yell::rant:


Likes Dirt
Think about what you say before you say it and consider how unintelligible you sound when you use that language. Picture yourself in an interview like the chick, chick boom girl, that should be enough of a reality check to realise people don't think more of you for acting like a bogan.


Likes Dirt
Also trying to stop it lately, my parents would murder me if they heard speek "normally". Just use other words such as "farout" or "crap", working great. I never use the C**T word, "Kent" is acceptable though. :censored:


Serial flasher
Brings to mind the moment when my 3 year old daughter said Cooper go to sleep for fuck's sake. My sone was 6 months old at the time.
I had to go into the kitchen and hide while pissing myself laughing.
She is 10 and hardly ever swears.


Eats Squid
Brings to mind the moment when my 3 year old daughter said Cooper go to sleep for fuck's sake. My sone was 6 months old at the time.
I had to go into the kitchen and hide while pissing myself laughing.
She is 10 and hardly ever swears.
LOL - my 7 year old girl, said the other day, "daddy used the C word!!"

Well, the look on my wifes face, and my sons, was so disgusted. SO I said, "crap, i did not!" - and she said, ":see, daddy said it again"

At that point all 3 of us were down for the count - poor girl has no idea why the whole family was laughing at her.
Get your Mrs to wash your mouth out with soap. Worked when I was a kid...
Received this treatment when I was young too....soap wasn't to taste full nor did it do the trick.

Learn a new language to open you mind to words other than fuck and cunt. Mostly swearing happens when your brain can't find alternative words. Maybe you should start saying what you mean rather than what you feel?
I was learning German, though most of the words I learnt first were the bad ones.....
I do say what I mean and how I feel the problem is that fuck is always coming up in every sentence.

Brings to mind the moment when my 3 year old daughter said Cooper go to sleep for fuck's sake. My sone was 6 months old at the time.
I had to go into the kitchen and hide while pissing myself laughing.
She is 10 and hardly ever swears.
Great story, think I would laugh too. My oldest niece used to say fuck instead of duck, that always made me laugh.

Will give some of the other responses a go too.
Still got anymore ideas would be help full.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
SNIP.Still got anymore ideas would be help full.
Umm, I used to have a terrible habit of swearing, in particular the word that rhymes with Duck an the word that rhymes with Tit. I am normally quite a quiet person so when the Duck word slipped out a lot a friend pulled me up and suggested that I commit to a swear fine system. So I purchased a money tin with the plan that each time I swear I had to put a coin in the tin.

As you can see from the attached photos that plan is going ducking really well. I never have any change which can be really ducking annoying at times. I don't know why I swear, maybe it is Dyslexia.

Swearfinetin 2.jpg
Swearfinetin 1.jpg


Likes Bikes and Dirt
My kids are bilingual (6 and 3) and my son who still does not speak alot is facsinated by all earthmoving equipment.
One of his 1st and favorite words was bugger (German for digger) and for months i thought nothing of it until my wife came home from a doctors visit with him where they got strange looks from a 2 old ladies in the waiting room because Fin kept saying "Bugger".


Likes Bikes and Dirt


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Can't remember what the movie is called but some cop that swore a lot ended up having to drive some geek around. Geek told him to say "For Crying Out Aloud" every time he was about to say Fuck....because when you start with the F it's easy to remember to follow through with the other without sounding like you were about to say Fuck I guess. Works for me sometimes :D

Ha ha instead of saying Shit you could go for "Sugar Honey Ice and Tea", although my kids know that those words stand for shit now.

Swearing I think comes down more to the tone and the way you say it rather than the actual word at times .I think best thing is to try and replace the bad ones with better Friggen Hell or Far Out isn't as bad as Fuck, it's still swearing though.....Fork Knife and Spoon is one I've come up with but not sure it works.

"Far out brussel sprout" has a nice ring to it.

My children are older (7 & 9) so have started to pick up language from me. I was quite glad after watching the My Kitchen rules series to hear them picking up one off Rocco which was "Mamma Mia". So using another language is a good idea too.

It would be really funny listening to your kids going around saying odd words in a swearing tone thinking they were swearing.


Breaker of the unbreakable
Start a swear jar. Gold coin donation everytime you drop the F or C bomb, and put the money towards your daughters education. Everybody wins!


Wheel size expert
I found for me while it's not always ideal or the best way i found the people and places I hung around had a massive influence. I think as others have said be conscious of what you say before you say it, I too have a massive problem with swearing and I find for me things like my beliefs and morals make me think twice a lot of the time. Think about the kids or influence so you start associating the language with your beliefs or concerns, is before you say a word you will automatically think of your belief or even the people it affects and having that secondary concern ie what you say isn't just hurting you but your beliefs or family will probably make you think more before hand.
For me I find that I do think about my beliefs and how that looks upon swearing.

But as I said before the biggest thing for me was hanging around different people who don't swear or don't see swearing as acceptable. Also getting people to jump on my back and pull me up for it makes it stand out. It's just a matter of retraining your mind to Goto a different immediate word than a swear word. Maybe a random made up word might help too.

At least that way the word won't necessarily be bad rather be nonsense though frustration is still been released. As mentioned above its more the tone and feelings that are released than the actual word used. Maybe some thing that may work as well when you are alone and the family is not in ear shot, say the meaning of the word so for Fu#k say sex or cu#t say vagina, balls becomes testicles. It will soon start sounding really stupid and that might just help you replace the words.

I definitely need to take my own advice I get aggressive and swear a lot when I get angry. I used to swear significantly during normal conversation but that has gotten better.
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I however am very normal. Trust me.
I found for me while it's not always ideal or the best way i found the people and places I hung around had a massive influence.
This was the exact point I was going to make. I used to be a full time labourer and foul language was the norm, anything and everything was used in a casual context. laboured all through uni, straight into a public hospital job.

At the hospital I had to rehearse everything I said before I said it, especially as I was dealing with mostly oldies and the entire staff besides me was female - I also learnt not to look at any of my fellow co-workers below the neck line.
It simply became habit - due to the environment. Now I work and teach in academia and I swear a little bit but a lot less than I used to, it shocks the students into listening - if used sparingly.

If you are in a high swear count environment you have little to no chance of changing without changing the environment. If you can recruit you're friends and workmates to help you out, they'll be all for it when it involves you buying them beers with the swear jar money.

I rightly or wrongly perceived people who swear (pointlessly) now as uneducated morons. If people are swearing around the kids I'll politely tell them to cut it out, being neanderthal sized helps.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
The effect of the environment you're in is so true.
Thinking back my Mothers boyfriend was a fellow that would never swear in front of children, probably hardly ever swear full stop. My Mother swore (like most low socioeconomic people seem to) and of course her boyfriend ended up being more like her in that regard.

I find I swear a lot more when I am on my own, and hardly do it when I'm in any other adult company. Problem is that in front of my kids alone I feel free to be more naturally myself, which includes a bit more swearing than in a normal social situation.

But you know it just comes to the point when your children start sounding like you, and you realize how much of a role model you are playing, so you either clean up or accept that it is directly your responsibility for how they turn out! They are going to hear those words regardless, still nice to set a good example though and teach them that it's not appropriate day to day language.