how often do you ride?


Likes Dirt
tu plang said:
W2ttsy said:
im hell fit, and built like a brick shit house too... im a saggitarius and i enjoy long walks along the beach and spending time with friends.


im actually a libra. my birthday is tomoro. hello 19!!! new full face courtesy of my dad too. he was a little reluctant to shell out the big $$$, but i told him it was $400 for the helmet, or $4000 for the dentist bill. so i will get the $400...


johnny said:
I don't ride nearly as much as I want to due to uni and injuries. But I usually get one city ride a week and maybe one day of jumping or trailriding on the weekend. Other than that, I have to make do with the trek to and from uni
you should mix it up like i do on the way home from work. just find some good street lines and have a bit of a street assualt on the way home. ride along the footpath and drop any stairs, or ride benches or something. alot more exciting than riding on the bike path.



I'll tells ya!
Staff member
W2ttsy said:
[you should mix it up like i do on the way home from work. just find some good street lines and have a bit of a street assualt on the way home. ride along the footpath and drop any stairs, or ride benches or something. alot more exciting than riding on the bike path.

I do, sometimes I ride from Camperdown to St Leonards which has some cool stuff along the way, but alas, 'tis still not enough..........

PS I usually don't have enough time to go too far out of my way as I'm generally running late.........Thanks very bloody much farkin :evil: :p


Ripe 'n ready!
johnny said:
W2ttsy said:
johnny said:
W2ttsy said:
i ride to and from work three days a week (i take tues and thurs as my rest days) and thats a 20km run each way on a d8. hahaha calves++;

i also ride for about 6 -8 hours on sat and sunday around town (yup the same 20km route each way) and rip it up urban DH style. maybe even roop in the ladies. esp after rolling it over the lip in franklin sqr and through the bus mall (for all those who live in hobart).

im hell fit, and built like a brick shit house too.

sucked into my last g.f who dumped me. look who has the scrawny b/f now... hahahaah

Are you drunk?
either that or extremely tired.

yeh i was a bit off the show. you got me.

That's ok, I was drunk when I asked that question.
KEWL! i'm drunk NOW!

meow meow meow meow meow meow meow i'm a bunny or a cat or a mouse on a mat, meow meow meow, i like fluffy i like huffy i like puffy i like cake, meow meow meow meow
btw, spell cow makes it harder to type drunk


Likes Dirt
i ride when ever i can mostly couple nights a week and then if there is someone to ride with on the weekend i will ride but if i cant be bothered ill just stay home and eat food.


Likes Dirt
:D every single day for the last year...... road + mountain bikes depends on weather road if its raining..... i have nothing to do no sports only bike riding and i ride as a school sport to :p good times


I probably ride 1 and a half hours after school each weekday, and a lot more on the weekend :twisted:


Eats Squid
maybe a hour a day if i'm lucky, i wish i could ride more but i start work at 8 with upto a hours traffic then finish at 5, yay.

and normaly i get in 4 to 6 hours at least one day on the weekend.


Likes Dirt
i try to get out and ride every day and at the momment me and my mate are building a track and it depends on how much school work i get


Liquid Productions
i ride atleast evry day 1 hour, and on the weekend if i can 8hrs a day if not atleast one day :wink:


Likes Dirt
I try to ride everyday, depending on the weather. I'll ride anywhere if I'm feeling up to it. There's the local jump, local "slalom" track and the oval.(good for touching up skills such as stair riding, drops, flatland, whatever) Longer rides include a ride out to Homebush or out to Pennant Hills Park. Any other rides need some type of transport besides pedal power to get me there.