Happy Pimpin...


Just letting you ppl's know about a game I found one the net called "Happy Pimpin". Its an online TXT based game that has 1000's of ppl from around the world playing.

You are a pimp and the aim of the game is to get the most hoes, Have the most thugs, have the best guns (AK's, MP5's etc) and fuck up as many people as you can... It is a pretty PHAT game and its worth checking out and signing up too.... Here is the link-


Copy and paste that link into your search, address thing...

Cheers Reece


No it is a improved version of pimpwars.com (I think)... I has nothing to do with dope wars mate!!!

Whats this redlight district?
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road warrior

Likes Dirt
dope was was the original man, pimpwars was just a rip off, but redlite distrikt was the one which started the form of txt based gaming. Learn you're history, this shit has been around for like 10 years.