Ebay question

Dirt king

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Hey Guys,

Hoping for a quick answer, which I am sure it will be.... Does ebay take into consideration day light savings? Reason I ask is because I live in Brisbane, and an item I am maybe going to purchase is in NSW. It says there is roughly 1 hour and 30 mins left.... does this mean technically there is only half an hour left for me to bid, or is what it telling me correct and I don't have to worry about the time differences?

Cheers guys, your help would be greatly appreciated.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
i wouldnt worry about what exact time it finishes, worry about the count down time ie; 2d 3h 27m etc, if it says 23m left its only got 23mins left no matter the time in the state or country etc

Dirt king

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Ahh okay. Yeah well it says there is 1hr 39mins left, so that should be the time it finishes correct?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Yes, Ebay doesn't care where you are. That is a count down, has nothing to do with your local time. If your in America, it still ends in an hour and a half.


Likes Dirt
Ebay tells you exactly what time zone it's displaying - eg; Time left: 2d 18h (15 Feb, 2010 11:54:47 AEDST)

Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time.