Are you born bad?


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An interesting topic brought up in my class today,

Are you born bad (evil) or do you develop it after being exposed to the outside world?

Apprently its quite a debated topic and would like some farkers opinions on it.


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everybody is born kicking & screaming, it's whether you keep persisting with that attitude when you grow up, to how people would then portray you. :D


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I think there's two sides to that.

On one hand there seem to be medical conditions people cannot avoid and are perhaps born with that influence a persons behaviour.

But I strongly believe that the majority of anti-social behaviour is a direct result of external influences. Bad role models such as abusive, uneducated, drunk, druggy or criminal parents, as well as the closer community a person grows up in can really affect how one sees the world, society and authority. Hard not to hate the Cops if you saw them lock up Dad and your Brother or uncle etc..., I also know for sure that a lot of kids growing up in unemployed houso type communities inherit very skewed views of the government, unemployment, taxation etc... The other side of this is that such an upbringing can strengthen the resolve of a person to break the mold and succeed.

Just my thoughts.


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I think there's two sides to that.

On one hand there seem to be medical conditions people cannot avoid and are perhaps born with that influence a persons behaviour.

But I strongly believe that the majority of anti-social behaviour is a direct result of external influences. Bad role models such as abusive, uneducated, drunk, druggy or criminal parents, as well as the closer community a person grows up in can really affect how one sees the world, society and authority. Hard not to hate the Cops if you saw them lock up Dad and your Brother or uncle etc..., I also know for sure that a lot of kids growing up in unemployed houso type communities inherit very skewed views of the government, unemployment, taxation etc... The other side of this is that such an upbringing can strengthen the resolve of a person to break the mold and succeed.

Just my thoughts.
That's pretty much it. It's thought that men who have two Y chromosomes are more likely to be the violent types (they are over represented in the prison population for example) but in the majority of cases it's an environmental influence that leads people to behave the way they do.


Likes Dirt
You might be born with a violent streak that you get from your parents, the rest of the bad behaviour would probably be from upbringing and influences.


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This also came up twice yesterday at my school because of the Assumption of Mary was yesterday. Apparently everyone is born with original sin but they say when Mary was in the womb she was in a capsule that protected her from original sin that's why she went to heaven body and soul.

I go to a religious school. This came up in Maths and RE but i only listened to it in Maths because thats the most important subject:D.


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This also came up twice yesterday at my school because of the Assumption of Mary was yesterday. Apparently everyone is born with original sin but they say when Mary was in the womb she was in a capsule that protected her from original sin that's why she went to heaven body and soul.

I go to a religious school. This came up in Maths and RE but i only listened to it in Maths because thats the most important subject:D.
Don't you just hate schools that shove shit down your throat.

My opinion is that its all a person's experiences that make them who they are.


my mum says im cool
Both, for sure.

Genetic predisposition to a certain behavioural type + product of your environment.


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But if your born bad, What would happen if a male bad person made babies with a lady bad person wouldn't they have a good baby person because two wrongs always make a right.

So vote 1 influences from parents/outside world


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Im the baddest muthafucker on the planet....I dont leave me seat for old people on the train or bus....BAD:p
Oh no what a rebel. i cant believe i have met such an evil person. please dont come to my local again we dont want your type here. hahahahaha:D


Eats Squid
I think it depends on whether you like to torture kittens or puppies. If you prefer to torture puppies over kittens, you are definately bad.


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I read something about this recently in a book called 'freakonomics'. It seems that it is about 50% decided genetically and the other 50% is learnt behaviour. The study focussed very strongly on twins and siblings who had been separated at birth. Someone 'born bad' will lean towards being bad regardless of the parenting and social environment they are exposed to, and vice-versa fo someone 'born good'. The level of goodness or badness is determined by outside factors. The best examples were twins who had been separated at a young age and followed the same path in life despite having very different upbringings.
So if your Dad's a bastard and your Mum is a mole chances are you'll turn out like thelunchbox and make poor old ladies stand in the aisle on the bus. Next stop for you is the big house.
I guess it is just like some people are genetically gifted to ride fast and some aren't. Bastards.


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On a more serious note, my opinion (christian view) is that humans have an innately sinful (ie. rebellious, selfish) nature. You only need to observe a young child...(or even someone not so young :)) to see how putting yourself first (the essence of evil really) is the "essential" us. It's simply much easier to do the wrong thing by nature ;)

That said, I take people's points about people being constructed by their environments, but (IMHO) there is an essential human nature we are born with, as above.

At the same time though, we all posses the capacity to do good aswell (since we are "made in God's image") ie. we are like God in some ways, just a tainted version.

Start throwing the poo at me ;)



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On a more serious note, my opinion (christian view) is that humans have an innately sinful (ie. rebellious, selfish) nature. You only need to observe a young child...(or even someone not so young :)) to see how putting yourself first (the essence of evil really) is the "essential" us. It's simply much easier to do the wrong thing by nature ;)

That said, I take people's points about people being constructed by their environments, but (IMHO) there is an essential human nature we are born with, as above.

At the same time though, we all posses the capacity to do good aswell (since we are "made in God's image") ie. we are like God in some ways, just a tainted version.

Start throwing the poo at me ;)

Loads a dirty great nard into his slingshot...

Whilst being careful not to make it a shot at your spirituality (not my intention, each to his own), I kinda can't agree with what you say about young chilren and how they think or behave. I agree about their selfishness, but only in so far as a young child will lack the communication skills neccessary to gain the basics he/she requires to be comfortable. That is, they want food, water, warmth, entertainment etc... A child will need to learn every skill in life other than breathing / swallowing as they go along, and how it's parents teach it to walk, communicate, ride a bike as well as to value fairness and patience etc... will determine how the child turns out. Unfortunately for the parents though, the learning and adapting continues throughout life, and even the best raised kids will find it hard not to turn bad if they start hanging around in a bad crowd or something.

I understand that you believe in original sin, but I see it as the basic urges all species of life on this planet require for survival, and that what makes us human, and by definition good, is a highly developed ability to interpret, control, temper utilise those urges.

Prepares for return volley of afforementioned poopoo....


Syphon syphon syphon.....

Humans act for selfish reasons. You are friends with someone because that friendship makes YOU happy. You do things to please yourself. Hell, you even give to charity because it makes YOU feel good, or gives you a tax deduction....

Selfish isn't a dirty word.

If I give the girlfriend a massage, I do it to make her happy - if she's happy then she will most likely want to make me happy. Win for me. Even in situations where sacrifices are made, it is because that is what someone WANTED to do. They chose that path over others - making the sacrifice because they wanted to. The fact that it may have been donating a kidney and saving someones life, inherently risking their own future health does not mean it wasn't a selfishly motivated act. That person would have had their own reasons for wanting to donate, and these were fulfilled by that act.

We learned this in primary school, it's quite basic stuff.