Another what should I buy thread..


call me Mia
In fact, I don’t recall ever knowing geometry in the mid 90’s when I first started. It was just S/M/L.....maybe you got an inch size on the ST.
OK boomer.

pink poodle

Don’t overthink it. We all got by perfectly on our bikes before reach became the catch phrase du jour.
You might have, but I always felt something was missing from me getting a perfect fit. It wasn't until the marketing gurus gave me an ambiguous phrase with a hazy definition that I had a better understanding of how to ride a bike more holistically.

pink poodle

Are you riding world cup like an entitled millennial brat? No? Stick with what feels right for you, an ignore the "experts".

Been so long, I'm a rookie again.
Don't let your wisdom get on the way of his evolution to greatness!