Old and angry: what pisses you off? The rants of ANGRY old men and women!


Eats Squid
did I mention that I purchased a couple six packs of "just in case beer" so I'm not a total beer nazi prick

grrrrr, whinge......

Norco Maniac

Is back!
Sunday dinners with the IL's piss me right off. FIL is oldschool - meaning he sits on his fat arse and expects to be served. and yes, he's still fat, ate himself into Type 2 diabetes and recently underwent gastric bypass surgery to stop him eating himself to death.

MIL has had several surgeries including back and hip and really can't cook it all on her own. She's also the only person i know who can stuff a chicken full of marg and still cook it till it's bone dry.

SIL lives next door but waltzes in when we're serving with her four kids and sits on her fat arse waiting to be served. and yes, she is very big.

we race on a Sunday and i'm over there afterwards helping cook, clean up after the three cats, hang washing on the line, set the table, unpack the dishwasher, carve the meat and pack up the food, table etc afterwards while FIL and SIL watch us. even when i had a cast on my broken hand and the pins in, she never once offered to help.

my OH helps a bit but he's not great in the kitchen either. Sunday dinners are a pain. did i mention that SIL is ten years younger than me and her husband can't be arsed to come over for dinner but still expects to be served and have a plate sent over to him too?


Eats Squid
Turned 37 this year and now absolutely everything pisses me off. Particularly my own body. Knee's are shot, shoulders buggered and every niggle is diagnosed as a terminal injury.

They'll have to put me in a nursing home as soon as I hit 40.

Big JD

Wheel size expert
whining old farts

not much pisses me off- good meds these days
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has some good things to say
Sunday dinners with the IL's piss me right off. FIL is oldschool - meaning he sits on his fat arse and expects to be served. and yes, he's still fat, ate himself into Type 2 diabetes and recently underwent gastric bypass surgery to stop him eating himself to death.

MIL has had several surgeries including back and hip and really can't cook it all on her own. She's also the only person i know who can stuff a chicken full of marg and still cook it till it's bone dry.

SIL lives next door but waltzes in when we're serving with her four kids and sits on her fat arse waiting to be served. and yes, she is very big.

we race on a Sunday and i'm over there afterwards helping cook, clean up after the three cats, hang washing on the line, set the table, unpack the dishwasher, carve the meat and pack up the food, table etc afterwards while FIL and SIL watch us. even when i had a cast on my broken hand and the pins in, she never once offered to help.

my OH helps a bit but he's not great in the kitchen either. Sunday dinners are a pain. did i mention that SIL is ten years younger than me and her husband can't be arsed to come over for dinner but still expects to be served and have a plate sent over to him too?

All of which seems to make your avatar all the more ridiculously and unfortunately appropriate. Frankly, some people should be retired from the human race...

I hate it when I look like my avatar...


Likes Dirt
I frikin hate douche bag p platers who insist on going 20-30kph over their speed limit on the freeway thinking they are awesome drivers with all their years of experience. I need to build a few jets in the side of my car so I can squirt brake fluid onto their paintwork as they go pass :)


Feeling old
Probably be easier for me if it was 'what doesn't piss me off'

But this week it's 'I'm so proud to be a Mum'
And then the tears start as we hear how great it is to be a Mum
And motherhood is just the best thing ever
Oh and it's just the most adorable thing when little Brooky shits herself - sooo cute
And then we see the crappy kid and more tears flow that make me want to puke all over both of them

And all this vomitous sentiment is accompanied by a soundtrack of some pubescent sounding cutesy song

By this time my face is contorted grotesquely and I have the overwhelming urge to be completely offensive to everyone and everything

pink poodle

Probably be easier for me if it was 'what doesn't piss me off'

But this week it's 'I'm so proud to be a Mum'
And then the tears start as we hear how great it is to be a Mum
And motherhood is just the best thing ever
Oh and it's just the most adorable thing when little Brooky shits herself - sooo cute
And then we see the crappy kid and more tears flow that make me want to puke all over both of them

And all this vomitous sentiment is accompanied by a soundtrack of some pubescent sounding cutesy song

By this time my face is contorted grotesquely and I have the overwhelming urge to be completely offensive to everyone and everything
Most unusual response to having a baby I have seen in a while...


Lives under a bridge
Probably be easier for me if it was 'what doesn't piss me off'

But this week it's 'I'm so proud to be a Mum'
And then the tears start as we hear how great it is to be a Mum
And motherhood is just the best thing ever
Oh and it's just the most adorable thing when little Brooky shits herself - sooo cute
And then we see the crappy kid and more tears flow that make me want to puke all over both of them

And all this vomitous sentiment is accompanied by a soundtrack of some pubescent sounding cutesy song

By this time my face is contorted grotesquely and I have the overwhelming urge to be completely offensive to everyone and everything
I'd find it very cathartic to punch Brooky's mum in the throat.

Its not rocket surgery, just about any moron with internal genitalia can do it sweetheart, nuthin' to brag about.

Big Tim

Likes Dirt
Politicians. Look at the Vic parliament at the minute. Are you children kidding me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Eats Squid
Turned 37 this year and now absolutely everything pisses me off. Particularly my own body. Knee's are shot, shoulders buggered and every niggle is diagnosed as a terminal injury.

They'll have to put me in a nursing home as soon as I hit 40.
Damn this one takes the cake. Took up cycling because legs were shot, now knees going. Took up swimming, now rotator cuff. There are upsides though. Particularly I am looking forward to this albeit I will be wearing less clothes and have a much less flattering body...


Norco Maniac

Is back!
All of which seems to make your avatar all the more ridiculously and unfortunately appropriate. Frankly, some people should be retired from the human race...

I hate it when I look like my avatar...
check out the eyeballs in my frypan :evil:

Politicians. Look at the Vic parliament at the minute. Are you children kidding me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
every time i see Question time, i cringe. these twits are running the country?


Likes Dirt
Pricks who never yeild on the singletrack. Im 115kgs so i really dont have to be "the bigger man" if i dont want to. Just wish some bastard would yeild to me for once. Maybe i will drop the shoulder next weekend and see what happens. Cant believe i only just found the over 30s section. I have been away from this forum far to long. Those last 4 pages were comedy gold.


Likes Dirt
Pricks who never yeild on the singletrack. Im 115kgs so i really dont have to be "the bigger man" if i dont want to. Just wish some bastard would yeild to me for once. Maybe i will drop the shoulder next weekend and see what happens. Cant believe i only just found the over 30s section. I have been away from this forum far to long. Those last 4 pages were comedy gold.
Where are you riding. Daisy can be crap. It was busy at Nerang yesterday arvo, but didn't have a problem.

Mad Hatter

Likes Dirt
Particularly I am looking forward to this albeit I will be wearing less clothes and have a much less flattering body...

For all those who have daughters and are dreading the day they bring home a boy.
Become a member of D.A.D.Ds. "Dad Against Daughters Dating - shoot the first one, the rest will get the message"

Oh, and what pisses me off?
hemorrhoids, F@#*ing hemorrhoids.
