skatepark etiquette


Feelin' a bit rrranty
The same little punk who was going around beeping his horn when people where stopped at a red light. I swear, when i find out who it was.....:mad:
heh... its hard to eat maccas and rest your hands on the steering wheel at the same time :eek:
Thats tops advice.
I come over to see if they were all alright and try to calm the crazy bitch down only for her to go "u get outa my fucken face dont come down here and indimidate me you should all no better than this and be more carefull yad yada yada, "
then she leaves but her husband comes bakc later knocks the guy of his stp and throws it out to the middle of the park and rips th shit outa him.
I know this was posted a while ago, but i just need to say, that's appalling. Parents should have figured out by now that people do stuff that's dangerous in skate parks, they weren't actually built like the mini slippery dip in the park, the other people are there aren't all five and content with 10cm of air at 3kph. It's really bad form of the parents to then go and abuse someone for crashing into their kid, when they should have considered that a skate park was perhaps not the best place for their children to play.
Bikes are dangerous, skateboards are dangerous, roller blades are dangerous. That's the reality.
Injuries are what happens when you play with the big kids.


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well to all this i agree with what everyone has said i can relate to it all but i normally dont have much of a problem expect for the drunks that smashing there bottles everywhere but the thing that works is askin nicley and if they dont move just ride it anyways


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ex skater's point of view

hey all, yes im a newbie.

i used to be a skateboarder back when i was at school.. not too bad if i do say so myself. i used to get pissed at bikers riding around. here some of my reasons.

1. bikers do not stop! on a bike its easy to sit down and keep cruising after your trick, not so easy on a skateboard. skaters will drop in, hit what they want and then stop and wait their turn, bikers didnt, they just kept rolling around and you couldnt tell what their line was because they'd change when they wanted to, they wouldnt wait for anyone or look up to see if anyone was glaring at them to move, it takes alot to set up for a trick on a skateboard, so it has to be planned before you drop in, and the path has to be clear, when a bike rolls past you not doing anything, its really off putting.

2. bikes are big and they hurt! countless times ive ran into bikes, with their pegs and brake levers and sprockets and brake lines and rolling tires.. they do some damage and and you get all tangled up.

3. bikes are heavy and fast. this goes with 2. if a bike runs into a skater, they send em flyin. not vice versa.

4. bikes are silent, especially when all you can hear is your hard wheels on your board.

5. bikes take up shitloads of room on platforms. theres not much room up there to start with, and when you get a group of guys with their bikes all up on top of the ramp, it gets hard to move around, and hard to stand up there.. bikers dont really need to be up there.. they can get enough speed usually by pedalling.

6. pegs and sprockets bash the shit out of coping. this makes it really really sketchy for skaters when grinding.

7. be careful when doing tricks on quarters or above the coping on ramps.. people innocently standing on the platform get smashed by the back end of your bike with the pegs because you wanted to do a nose pick with a tail whip.

i think thats about it, just remember your at a SKATE park, on a MOUNTAIN bike... its not your place to ride... you dont see skaters up on your north shore ladders or at your local dirt jumps. as skaters, we dont have many places to go, we were shunned by the community and seen as vandals or ruffians. the skate park was our place where we were equals.

i am no longer a skater, but my love for it remains. be respectful and you will be respected.

Do many of you guys ride park. Every holidays when we go to nelson bay me and my mate usually ride the park there. What sort of bikes do you's ride park with. I ride a 2007 mongoose rogue

The Maxinator

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i think thats about it, just remember your at a SKATE park, on a MOUNTAIN bike... its not your place to ride... you dont see skaters up on your north shore ladders or at your local dirt jumps. as skaters, we dont have many places to go, we were shunned by the community and seen as vandals or ruffians. the skate park was our place where we were equals.

i am no longer a skater, but my love for it remains. be respectful and you will be respected.


Ah, but that is because they cant ride on that terrain.
I think there should be signs at every skate park with the rules and skate park ettiquite on it.
It would be so much easier than havign to explain to irate parents about where and where there little kids can go.


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sometimes even if everyone (bmxers skaters bladders scooter's and big wheels) all no the rules and are paying attention accidents do happen if you do cut someone off or hit someone ect. just say sorry shake hands and go on with the day. its all about the fun and the thrill of riding no one wants to have a shitty day because someone didn't see you coming or you didn't see them coming.:)


Likes Bikes and Dirt
posting it on farkin is one thing. going down to the skate park and seeing it in action is another. i am fully behind this etiquette but there are still plently of skate, bike and scooter snobs out there who dont care about anybody except themselves. and nobody can do a thing about that.


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All of this stuff about scooters always snaking and blocking seems to be pretty subject to where you ride. I know that at the park I go to some of the best BMX'ers ride scooter too, and get respect from everybody including the skaters. So don't get in a mindset that all scooters/bladers are stupid little squids, you just might get bashed.

I think that the main message is to always scope out a park first, even if it's your local there might be some guys from out of town or there for their first time. These guys are often doing some weird lines or just being diffucult if they don't know much about skateparks in general.


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thanks jy i am a country kid and i dont really go to other parks that often this is a great way to stop me from accidently being a pain in the ass next time i head to a new park. oh i think with a lot of park kids under the age of 8 are not alloud to ride, skate or scooter without an adult gardien, so just tell that if they dont stop getting in your way you will call the police. lol


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The othe day at the local skate park there was a lttle kid on a skooter about 5 yr old an his sister bout 9, were sitting on the box and running around the skate park and i asked them to move so i cold do the transfer and when i jumped it next to the little kid on skooter he kept swearing at me every time i did the transfer or a jump next to them!
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Likes Bikes and Dirt

Every Wendsay night the MTB's out numba the skaters and BMXers. and normaly therese only like one skater tow scotters on a good day. and about 5 BMX and three MTB :D i'm soo luky


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from the famous words graffiti'd onto the engadine island
this should be done on every park but more of a sign way


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It's not a child minding centre

The othe day at the local skate park there was a lttle kid on a skooter about 5 yr old an his sister bout 9, were sitting on the box and running around the skate park and i asked them to move so i cold do the transfer and when i jumped it next to the little kid on skooter he kept swearing at me every time i did the transfer or a jump next to them!
Sorry for thread jacking, but that just goes hand in hand with the fact that some clown has obviously decided that a five year old doesn't require any form of supervision:mad:
one: council dont put paint on ramps. concrete is easily the most reliable, gripiest surface available.
Graf = Paint. Paint = slippy. soo... graf on ramps: bad.
i see no reason as to why you need graff to find out where to land.

a fresh park with no graf is better publicity for park sports, looks better, and is mu7ch better to ride.
well my council painted the bowl with some real slippy shit and it was responsible for heaps of dominated riders but if no one graphed then there wouldnt be a reason to paint over it,

duhh stupid grapher cunts


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well my council painted the bowl with some real slippy shit and it was responsible for heaps of dominated riders but if no one graphed then there wouldnt be a reason to paint over it,

duhh stupid grapher cunts
Couldn't agree more we are currently getting a new park built in nowra and it looked clean and nice till a few days ago some little ghetto punks decided to tag the new spines with crap,honestly if i spewed on the spine it would look better.Taggers are not riders and don't give a fuck about tagging skate parks,tag somewhere else or if they need to do it in parks do it where we dont ride and make it look good.

As for parks and lil kids our park isn't much but is a place to ride and hang out.Us riders pretty much own the park but we get long with everyone and it's great .When the lil kids and parents turn up we basically bust big on some of the lines and hips to show them we are here and what crazy stuff we may do and generally has soon as they see a rider drop in they go to the sides and let us do a run and we stop let them go again have fun.
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Kill Localism

I used to surf but now i live down the road from one of the best parks in western Sydney, so thanks concrete jungle i can still get launched. We all need somewhere to ride and believe it or not we've all paid for all these wicked concrete parks springing up all over the joint.

One thing that can wreck your surfing that and that applies to the riding around near mine is knob-end locals; localism can wreck your sport and needs to be squashed when ever you get a chance.
Ignore the wankers hanging on the edge trying to put you off when your a new grom, if you wanna sit around and pose go down the bloody mall.

Unless its your top secret bush jumps- you should amp up everyone you meet when you ride away about how good your local is, there's nothing better than hitting a new spot....without some tool who's never left his burb pretending that its his.

you don't own it, but your allowed to be proud of it, do the big thing and share it, its called public property fools!


Likes Dirt
So true!

This should be taught at every skatepark and any parent taking a 5 yr old to the park should be taught before letting there kids ride.. you get the ocassional parent who knows what he's doing but i hate the "soccer mums" that stay in their tarago's and let their kids run wild! i hate it with a passion.. these simple rules should be on signs at every skatepark..


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i'm seriously sick of the dickheads who hang around the parks just to insult people, i've had it with them, next kid who says something is going to meet my fist without hesitation!