YOUR best photo of 2008


Likes Dirt
Raw Toast Man:

woo, go my photo!

I'd have a best photo, but my PC shat itsself. so i lost everything.
But i have some on the old myspace

Best photo of me:

Trying T-whips.

Photo by me:

Mate of mine with a choice flatty.


Likes Bikes
Do you know where Glenrock scout camp is? Im doing a course up there in March, is it worth taking the bike up?
The camp is in the middle of the conservation area (it's marked on the map I linked to above). I'd say a big "hell yes!" to taking the bike up. There is an online community centered around riding there, it's at, if you join and post in the "Lets Ride" section there's bound to be 2-3 others who will join you.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
favorite of me, takin by max (but i think he got one in the exact same spot yesterday wich is better, havnt seen it yet.

one of my favorite ridng ones i took... cant find the others at present.

one of my favorite none bike (mayb not best)

and another (also not best just something i liked)

and tupper!!



um yeh praticly the best photos i have seen in a while!

