What weeknight (7pm on) is Manly Dam most popular


Likes Bikes and Dirt
My summer job means my riding during the week won't be kicking off till 7pm - I'm not looking for a ride group, I'm just curious which nights are busiest (ie when am I most likely to be found the same night if I take a spill and crack my head open)

yes, I'll wait till the Dam is dry and open again/ obviously I'll wear a helmet and use fron + rear lights



Likes Bikes
Sorry Andrew, I don't remember reading that when I initially posted otherwise I would have been aware that you were aware the dam was closed


Likes Bikes

There are signs at all entry points to the dam stating 'Park Closed'.

I am tipping it will be reopened tomorrow just in time for another forecast deluge...


Likes Bikes
Just re-opened, email from rangers below

Good afternoon Mountain Bikers,

I will be going out this afternoon to remove the ‘CLOSED’ signs and the track can now be considered OPEN for use. Please cross your fingers that the rain and storms predicted for tomorrow are light or non-existent so that the track can remain open for the weekend.

Manly Dam Rangers

enjoy Australia. If you time it right you'll pump into photographers taking happy snaps near the school


I think it's probably Tuesday or Thursday but for this week wednesday will be hectic because the public school is having their carols by candlelight.....and obviously the track just opened.