What trick should I learn first?


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I have just come from BMXing into MTB so yes im a noob, I live in the urban enviroment so Street is my only option. Does anyone know what tricks I should try?,

should I attempt stairs,drops or like flatland

Plus I wana learn to manual or mono but im scared of flipping back

I appreciate any help!!


Likes Dirt
umm well manuels how i learnt was just pull back on a little slope liek grass, and find where you almost fall back, then grab your rear brake to bring the nose down. it takes alot of time to manuel. umm street.. well yeah stair gaps, when you get confidence learn to spin and fakie. grinds would be good.


Likes Dirt
best thing for manuals and mono's is it to learn to atleast have 1 finger on the back brake, so if you feel you're going to high you can give it abit of a tap to lower the front end.
If you are doing street sort of stuff. My Opinion would be to learn 180's/spins to fakies. nice easy and really fun at the right spots.
Hope this helps :eek:


Likes Bikes and Dirt
frontflip 720 superman seat grab (all in one trick), Concentrate on the landing and air part of it.... the trick is easy to nail :rolleyes:

but seriously, manuals, endos, bunnyhops, T-bars, small flatties, there are many simple and easy to nail tricks about.

Be creative, try them out, and if by street you mean skate park the above might help but if you want like actual street:
Manuals, 90's, bunny hops onto chairs, over objects, just watch vids and start out small.

(wow that gammar and spelling and everything is bad in that post, sorry)
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Likes Dirt
Manuals and hops. Basis of street...

Manuals; the best manuals when you are able to keep your front wheel a few inch off the ground. This eliminates braking, which means you hold your speed. Plus they look better than having your front wheel a metre off the ground.
The best way to hold these manuals is to keep your arse as close as possible to your rear wheel. Keep your centre of gravity low and keep your knees bent at all times (you do not use your arms as much as you think when manualling, its all in the legs), easier to hold those manuals.

Hops; Speak for themselves, they are the epi-center of almost all street tricks. Find another thread on how to do them.
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Likes Dirt
Stupid thread tbh... But anywho

Mono is always good, manuals are hard to learn. It took me like 3 years of monoing to perfect it & now i can mono a straight road which is almost 1km.
Just go out and muck around trying to combo's off ledges/onto things & off things. Easier than asking what trick to learn


Likes Bikes
i have to suggest barspins as well.
maybe not as the first trick, probably better to get manuals and atleast 180 to fakies going and then start learning barspins so that you can put them in there.
a 180 to fakie with a barspin in the middle looks awesome IMO.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I found it easier to learn how to mono first, and then transferred that knowledge and understanding to manuals.
Also found it easier to learn wheelies going up hill because it makes it easier to jack the front up. You should learn how to jump off the back. It becomes regular practice in emergency situations where you actually are falling off.
It helps, when learning to manual, to go into an empty carpark and measure yourself up against the empty bays, each time just try and make it one or a half bay longer. I found it easier to learn to manual on the flat. (no hills - up or down). You learn how to shift your weight, feather the brake, use your knees etc to find that *sweet spot* which allows you to go for as long as you want - untill you get tired or decide to stop.
I am yet to find that sweet spot. Getting there though. (I'm close!)
would'nt bother trying to learn to barspin yet.
Another good one is on the spot ballance and coasting.
goodluck dude.


Likes Dirt
um just try anything mate. we really cant tell you , you have to find it out urself we all have diffeent styles and maybe u wont be able to 180 but backflip who no's??
but i guess a good plave to start would be with some bunny hop 180's and manuals trying to get a feel of the bike i guess..
just try anything man like streety type stuff and just try and get some style going.. dont be hack


Eats Squid
Endos where you flick your back end 180 looks good, but I think thats a bit more trials than street.
Easy way to learn street is to be able to do bunnyhops, so gaps and dropd become availble, all you need is a set of balls to do some off the bigger stuff.


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manuals ect. are easy to do and very hard to stack as long as you cover your back brake. coasts are a little easier then manuals and will get you working with your back brake. all you have to do for a coast is get a mono up and going, let yourself fall back over your balence point and get your brakes to stop you from falling back but don't hit them so you fall forward. i suggest you start off slow so you don't hurt yourself but keep in mind the faster you go the easier it gets.


Likes Bikes
manuals ect. are easy to do and very hard to stack as long as you cover your back brake. coasts are a little easier then manuals and will get you working with your back brake. all you have to do for a coast is get a mono up and going, let yourself fall back over your balence point and get your brakes to stop you from falling back but don't hit them so you fall forward. i suggest you start off slow so you don't hurt yourself but keep in mind the faster you go the easier it gets.

jake the snake

Likes Dirt
i suggest abubicas(however you spell it)
i learn't that and it made riding way better.

and then if you get good at that try hope to manual


I have just come from BMXing into MTB so yes im a noob, I live in the urban enviroment so Street is my only option. Does anyone know what tricks I should try?,

should I attempt stairs,drops or like flatland

Plus I wana learn to manual or mono but im scared of flipping back

I appreciate any help!!
eh mate i would stick to bmx if you live in an urban area,go find a cool skate park to develop your skills and wear a helmet.