what to do when injured


Likes Dirt
im sure there are other threads on this but i couldnt find them.
i wa just wondering what everyone does when their injured, ive been riding heaps recently training for the nsw state rds but i crashed in stromlo and now cant ride for atleast 8weeks which suks. and im already goin crazy not being able to ride my bike. what should i do other than hang out on farkin?

Plow King

Little bit.
The common response is masturbation or breeding turtles. Which would you prefer? You could probably combine both but you would need to assemble some sort of floatation device.

Try taking up photography/filming/editing your other riding buddies, that's what I do and what plenty of others do.


Likes Dirt
masterbating breeding turtles sounds interesting! riding and photography does sound better though


Likes Bikes and Dirt
masterbating breeding turtles sounds interesting! riding and photography does sound better though
He said masturbating or breeding turtles.

Leave the turtles alone.

On Topic:
Injuries give you time to do the things your too busy too do when your fit and well. Now you have the extra time that you would either be riding or something else.
Go see your grandma that you havn't seen for a while.
Play with your dog
Sit back and relax, go out and watch others ride.
Just to make a change.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
how about take the bike appart and give it a hard core detail and clean. gives you something to do, and if you suck at finishing a job, its ok. you got 8 weeks. and if its not done, then your going to force yourself to do it once the 8 weeks is up. learning opportunity!
clean the bike workshop. get some new parts. get some ideas together for a new bike. fixie or something. get creative!

turtles is pretty hard to say no to though. masturbation is instantly satisfying though. flip a coin on it i say. please dont make a poll on it.


Likes Dirt
You boys can't help yourselves!
Some very funny replies, and I am sorry I don't really have much to add other than the above.


Likes Dirt
you should become chief shuttle driver for your mates - once you are back bike then you should get pay backs for all your hard shuttling.


Likes Dirt
Bad luck mate, fortunately for me i've never really been injured for such a long period of time, so i can only imagine how boring it would be. Some good replies, giving your bike a thorough clean out is a good one, download photoshop and muck around with some of your photos, think up some new things you could do with your local trail, or your backyard? If non of that helps, masturbation would keep you amused a few minutes a day at least...

Ill try and think up some more, try and make the most of it though:).


Likes Bikes and Dirt
i say get acquainted with the video game console and then train a mouse and get a job testing and rating video games (allmost worked for kovarik)

good luck and god speed


Likes Bikes and Dirt
just happened to me also. got hit by a mass tree in the big winds here in melb. broken scapula and 4 staples the doc says im also out for 8 weeks:( i have had NOTHING to do lately so i know your pain. and waking up to seeing the mountains out my window every morning makes pissed even more cos i cant ride my new DH bike yet:mad: im already pro now at GH3 from the boredness. im just gunna be vid man for a while and touch up on my picture skills. wanking sucks as i cant move my right arm:p
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giraffe boy

Likes Dirt
Did you ever think about planning your recovery?

8 weeks off the bike is a long time to do nothing. So try doing whatever is possibel wihin the confines of your injury - don't risk a second injury or impeding the first form healing.

Then when it's time to ride again, you may not suffer as much when your mates drag you up hill to do one more run.

gb - a bit broken again


Likes Bikes and Dirt
i feel your pain guys, i've shattered the end of my femour in my knee and done a bit of cartlage damage and i am un able to ride for 12 - 18 months.
I'm currently 6 weeks post op (7 weeks since i did it) and bored out of my brain cause i still cant walk yet but if i sell my dh bike i think i might buy an diggie SLR camera i've also been keen to try it but yeh 8 weeks is nothin! stop your bitching haha