Was Sent an Extra pair of fox f100 forks and SLX wheels. what should i do??


Likes Dirt
First post eh..?? I bet your trawling.... :p As someone else said don't expect trading rights - just go away and search your conscience .... in fact just go away - we don't need cretins like you...
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Likes Dirt
If you really seriously considered doing that, instead of the right thing, please for the love of god do us all a favour and sell your bike and get the hell out of our sport.

Anybody who runs a bike shop over obviously rides, don't screw with other mtber's, thats just poor form.


Lives in a hole
I had a similar situation, ordered a set of earphones (domestic store) and they showed up as expected. A week later, another set shows up; check my card, no extra charges so I figured it was a mistake and sent them an email.
They didn't even know about the error, but requested I send them back and they'd reimburse me the freight charges. So I did, and sent them my account details, never saw the money for postage though.

In hindsight, I'm not entirely sure what the moral of this story is, but just let them know of their error and see what happens.

Registered Nutcase

Likes Bikes and Dirt
I had a similar situation, ordered a set of earphones (domestic store) and they showed up as expected. A week later, another set shows up; check my card, no extra charges so I figured it was a mistake and sent them an email.
They didn't even know about the error, but requested I send them back and they'd reimburse me the freight charges. So I did, and sent them my account details, never saw the money for postage though.

In hindsight, I'm not entirely sure what the moral of this story is, but just let them know of their error and see what happens.

Even if they over ship you, you should never belive/trust them to pay you back. they should cover the costs themselfs.


Likes Dirt
I had a similar situation, ordered a set of earphones (domestic store) and they showed up as expected. A week later, another set shows up; check my card, no extra charges so I figured it was a mistake and sent them an email.
They didn't even know about the error, but requested I send them back and they'd reimburse me the freight charges. So I did, and sent them my account details, never saw the money for postage though.

In hindsight, I'm not entirely sure what the moral of this story is, but just let them know of their error and see what happens.
Same thing happened with me, i ordered and Iphone 4 and i got 2 shipped out, i told them about it strait away and they paid for postage back to them and also some on my plan for me :D


Lives in a hole
Yeah, ultimately I never followed it up, largely because it wasn't much money and I couldn't be bothered.
If it was going to be more expensive (like sending some forks OS) I'd definately get the money first.


Likes Dirt
SAme thing happened to me once, but of lesser value.
I told CRC, they said keep them and speak well of us.
They are a brilliant company.

Anyway, don't be a slimy little weasel. You got our answer. Contact them!


Likes Dirt
Guys, the reason that he posted his story here was so that someone will PM him offering to buy them. This thread is a For Sale thread for one set of forks and a set of wheels, by someone who CBF waiting for trading access... nothing else...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Maybe you could be charged with possession of stolen goods.

I'm not being a dick, but the store sends them accidentally, their fault. All they can do is ask for them back, if you say no, they can't do much more... That's how I take it.

Registered Nutcase

Likes Bikes and Dirt

I'm not being a dick, but the store sends them accidentally, their fault. All they can do is ask for them back, if you say no, they can't do much more... That's how I take it.
did you legally pay for them, no. therefor they are still the company goods. it dosnt matter how you aquire the stolen goods. if you refuse to return them its theft


Likes Dirt
Hey guys,

I recently bought a set of 2010 fox f100 RL forks and SLX wheels off a certain website in the UK who sent everything to me twice (only paid for it once). So i have an extra pair of forks and wheels. are they eventually going to realise thier mistake and ask for this stuff back or can they charge me for a second amount? iv had the gear for over a month now

how long should i wait before i can start selling these extra bits off and make a little bit of extra cash.
I've got a feeling you posted this thread thinking you'd get a load of replies along the lines of: "keep the stuff you lucky bastard!" Does it shock you that you got the opposite response? I hope so. Take the advice you've been given here and contact the company. You may or may not get some good deal out of it, but either way you'll be a better person for having been honest.


Likes Dirt
To the original poster - just email them and wait for the response.

In other news, I was sent a pair of gloves from I-have-no-idea-who, once. It was weird. No return address, no message inside saying "congratulations!" or some bullshit like that, no email or phone call.

Since I had no idea or had not been contacted about this by someone, I kept using them. Too easy!

This is different to the OP's situation though - he's up for theft charges.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
This might go down as a big call...

But "BigT" is what's so shit about the world today. So many people don't give a fuck about doing the right thing (sorry for the language... but its somewhat appropriate.) if it will somehow benefit themselves. If you don't grow a pair and send them back (at your cost or not) then you too have failed the decent part of mankind.
[end rant]


Likes Bikes and Dirt

I'm not being a dick, but the store sends them accidentally, their fault. All they can do is ask for them back, if you say no, they can't do much more... That's how I take it.
erm... no, thats not how it works - at all. 6 months of crim law 109 aka pain and suffering 101 finally comes in handy!


Likes Bikes
We are up to post 35 and BigT has not made a peep in response to the trashing he is getting in this thread. Kinda shows the character of the guy doesn't it?

As someone else said, Karma will play its part in this.


Heavy machinery.
Staff member
I'm surprised someone hasn't suggested sending an email to CRC and pointing the finger..........


Likes Bikes and Dirt
To the guy above, they're not stolen. The company fucked up. They're at fault.

They sent it to him, all they can do is ask for them back.