VIC: FTF Narbethong working bee


Likes Bikes and Dirt
oright so FTF is holding a working bee out at Narbethong basicly FTF have been instructed that if all the north shore that is there is removed the DH track can once again be used for races (with alot of work on that at a further date...)

when: get there at 8:30 - 9:00am on the 15/9/07 (next Saturday)
where: the top of the northshore track (about 100m - 200m higher than the dh track on the same road) if you don't know where this is PM and i'll sort something out
other details: if you have a wheel barrow or chain saw bring them or anything else that will be help full in the removal of northshore
a BBQ lunch will provided for workers

if you are defiantly coming PM me so we have an idea on numbers for the BBQ


Likes Dirt
working bee at narby

I will be there 4 sure,i love the DH course & the NS,but what goes up must come down,besides no one has matained the NS fore ages.
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Likes Dirt
good on you guys, i support what you are doing 100% , i would be there to help but i am one of the poor riders that works saturdays.....

all the best, pm me if you decide to do any future work on a sunday and i will be there tools and all.....


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Hey guys,

Benj and I are looking to help out. Can someone provide some better directions for us?
