UCI World Cup XCO / DHI 1 - Pietermaritzburg


Likes Dirt
Will the broadcast be good and free? My money is on yes, Gawd help Red Bull if the coverage is crap - keyboard warriors will be alight with anger!
Does Rob Warner get drunk and burp at us again? I'm doubting it but hey, they were some good times!
Will all the boys get Morewood now that Tracey is back? I think this has already been answered and it was a resounding yes!
Can the multitude of Men riding without knees survive? Survive yes, boogie on down at the post race party no.
Is this the year for Troy? Little man with big expectations - i pity him as much as i envy the little schralper.
Very excited am I! I see your excitement and raise you a double fist pump

anyone bothered to work out the times yet? Come on inter web land, do the footwork for us.


Likes Dirt
Lt Dan you just encouraged me to continue being lazy... Thanks! 10pm is so civil can't wait.


Likes Dirt
do we have to wait till 11pm for the link to work? I can't seem to find the link to the live race.


Farkin guerilla
It's lucky they record the times into the hundredths (or is it thousandths?) of milliseconds. 0.008 of a second between Minaar and Gwyn. What the frick?!


Farkin guerilla
Also, those jumps are big. Brook McDonald knows all about it.



Likes Bikes and Dirt
Here's hoping Tracey wins and has a strong season this year!

Also don't want Gwinn to podium, Can't have a yank dominating again lol


Likes Dirt
Keepin it Low Key.....

Just so you all know, Mick was saving some on this run. No need to spin out them pedal legs for the quali`s.
Can`t wait to see what happens when he decides to give them cranks hell!!!!!
Hannah`s 1 M + 1 W Final.
BOOM!!!!! :fat: