Truvativ Ruktion replacement/equivalent

A mate of mine just purchased a 14 Glory 2 that has Truvativ Ruktion cranks however wants to replace them with another crank.

The issue is all the bike stores he has been to, say that there is no direct replacement and that he will need to spend $300 plus to get a new set of cranks that will go straight on.

Giant in Carnegie claim that the only ones that can replace the Ruktions are the Descendants, but will require modification????

It's been over a decade since we've dealt with bikes so any help or advise with options for him is appreciated for a direct replacement.


Nick Njegac

Likes Bikes
for $115 on chain reaction, you can get the zee crankset, along with the bb for it. Honestly, i don't think there are many more things that give you more bang for buck. Just make sure you get the m645, for the 83mm bb