toowoomba tracks!!!!!!!!


New Trails

Hey I am more than willin to help build trails if you need a hand! (Josh U can contact me through Simon if U want, or CU @ EB) I have been ridin in woombie for over 10 yrs now (since Gr10, I am still not THAT old!) and have been cruisin to Coottha an Daisy to ride with some friends down there for a bit of variety. But if we can build new trails here all the better. Some races (even if just social) would be cool too, although I allready know what placing I would get!!! :/


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track building

hey yer we'd love ure help any time u can we will organise a time and date and any other people that r will to help us would be greatly appreciated
thanks matt(& hamish) :D


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we are doing our best (me and matt) to make the track full northshore but as we need to find ppl to donate wood or go scavaging for scraps at building sites it has not been easy. we both relize there is a hell of alot more to do. and now that school holidays have arived we should get alot done. we are hoping to fix up the roll downs and build a walking track from the bottom which comes back up via lefty to make it alot easier back up (the current way is a pain in the ass) and to add about 100m of ns (we hope!) but we first need to find wood and as ppl have already flogged some of our tools from down there we need to get some more.
any ideas or help would be apreciated. just pm me or jhonybravo788


Yeh, I have my own consulting drafting business (need new linkages for your suspension? Perhaps some rock rings?? Let me know dudes), so anytime really (weekends R best though)... Hey I can ask my best mate if he has any wood spare, he builds houses, so may be able to help. One concern though, do yez have permission to make the track?? I know where the lefty is, and I would hate to think we are trespassing!!!! Not that I care about illegal trails (susp bridge and cheesy R great) :twisted: , just not too keen to put blood sweat and beers into somethin that gets shut down, THAT WOULD SUCK!!! :?


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nah every thing shoulbe ok and were going down ther about 8.00am in the morning if u want to help and if any one else wants to help please let us no before then
thank matt(&hamish)


Too short notice!! Let me know next time and I will see what I can do. I just talked to my carpenter mate and he said he will keep all wood aside for us. Heaps of 3"x2" if that helps. I said anything longer than 40cm would be great, where to dump it though???


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were to dump it is at my place or at righty and thats heaps of help make sure u thank him for us we will be building the track for at least the next three days and if u cant make it we will probably go down sater day to finish it off so if any one else has got any more idears for us u had better tell us about them soon
thanks matt(&hamish)


Might come down Wednesday morning. See how I go. Is the righty the lefty? or are they in the same place? I know where the lefty is (at the end of the new estate with the HUGE grey house (only 2 houses built) on the right isn't it?


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Lefty, Peston and sus bridge are great. We do need heaps more tracks. Building them near lefty isn't a good idea, because it's only a matter of time before it's an established area. :(


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well righty is about one metre to the right of lefty and as for the estate getting established if u have a look on the map of land for sale that one is not able to be built on because it is not shown on the map any way think positive and we will keep building it anyway


I was not trying to dampen things, just figuring out where the righty is by describing it, thats all. I know that block of land is not for sale. Sorry if I came accross negative. I am actually quite chuffed that MTBing seems to be taking off again! And all credit to the likes of you guys for building new trails, I have tried it and know it is hard work! :wink: Goodonyaz!! :D :D :D Wasn't there an area out near preston we could make trails on, near the powerlines (or ruthven st sub-station) or something?? One day I will buy some land out that way for MTBing. Sweeet :mrgreen:


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The block of land that lefty and righty starts on is sold. So if they build on it there is no access to your track.
For Downhill Best are: Lefty, preston, Lindsays, and maybe Sus bridge.

For XC Best are: Sus bridge(love the climb), Jubilee Park and Picnic point

The Gayest track would have to be Righty. With my crappy balance its to hard. And the walk (or should i say climb) back up is a major gayfest. If someone who knew what they were doing were building it, it could be allright.
where the hell is lindsays preston and sus bridge never heard of hem


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For XC Best are: Sus bridge(love the climb), Jubilee Park and Picnic point
Can I ask which bits of Picnic Point are ok to ride? I do trail/XC-type riding around Jube, but it's not every day that you want to ride back up the beside-Frenzy bridle trail if you ride down to Rollercat :eek:


Yeah, yeah... blah, blah.
5 years and 14 days!

I think we have a winner in the all-time greatest gravedig stakes. :rolleyes: Unbefarkinlievable


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Does he win a new message under his username :eek: Check the other bunches of crap he has provided to read.
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