Toowoomba tracks need updating


Likes Dirt
i no theres probs a thread on this but i cant be bothered goning through 11 pages.
so my question to my fellow local toowoombians is this is any one going to do a track or make there own cause no offence but i think some people will agree we need more tracks !!!! cause our usuals are gettin a bit old.

dont worry i wont tell the concil if theres a illegal track at bak of our house i just want to ride!!!!!!!!!!


joy boy

Likes Dirt
I've put through to the club about some extra smaller push runs type Trails in Jubilee park. However we are still trying to build a XC track, and unfortunetly, this needs to be finished first. So if you come and help build the XC track, then we can get that out of the road, and start on some fun, legal DH trails.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
maybe you could go out there with a shovel and improve on them if you want something new?

(not condoning illegal trail building in any way)