This could be done here too.....


Likes Bikes
You could always do a whole range with slogans ranging from financial to humanitarian aspects. Then everyone is happy and you can choose what you want to wear.

Personally I would want one that says "Looks like the traffic sucks today" on the back :p


Likes Dirt
How about a shirt that says "I ride and you're fat"

I'd buy that.
How about "I'm fat and I ride". Because that's me. I'm not a cyclist that discriminates based on body size. Some of us are large - and that's the way we are and the way I like it.


Likes Bikes
How is that going to inspire anyone to ride? just make us seem even more wankerish..
Did I miss something? Where did you get the idea I want to inspire anyone to ride?

Personally I think anyone that is motivated to do something after reading a t-shirt needs to be nuetered, nobody that weak willed should breed!


Likes Dirt
To keep things off topic here's my vote for a bike t-shirt
ha love it.

I was thinking about getting a sticker on my car saying 'my other cars a you wish i cycled to work now' They can ponder that when they are stuck behind me in a jam on one of the very rare occasions i have to drive to work.


Likes Dirt
The problem is the whole rego thing is an excuse for a behaviour, not a reason.

If you wanted to get into "rights" to be on the road, the correct place to look is the road rules, where it states, unambiguously that a bicycle is a vehicle permitted on the road. End of the "deserve..." "rights..." "should.." arguments.

The whole acting like a prick to bike riders because they didn't pay a registration that doesn't even exist (hence even if the cyclist wanted to pay rego and wear a numberplate, they can't) is simply an excuse to act like a prick.

Arguing the point with them isn't going to work.