The comeback ride 19/1/08 6.00am


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Call it what you like, but i'm calling it my comeback ride after not touching my bike since the 6hr. Open to suggestions as we will be limited on where we can ride due to the rain. I'm thinking Cabarlah due to the soil out there. A nice casual pace would be good to ease me back into it.



Likes Bikes and Dirt
Doing the shop ride with the roadies this Saturday, You could come on that Jason always a nice staedy pace. :D


Likes Dirt
I'd be keen for something local but I think the weather will be a big factor as to whether we ride or not.
If it rains, even Cabarlah is going to be too wet and muddy for my liking so I will let you know for sure on Friday evening.


Likes Dirt
I'm out guys. I cracked a rib or two in my stack on New Years, and I think I should try to let it heal this weekend. Have fun


Likes Bikes and Dirt
has anyone changed there mind?? although yesterday was fine, we've had a few showers and some drizz today.


Likes Dirt
I'm very keen mate. After discussing it with Luke earlier any further rain may not be good. If we don't get any more or it is light rain then I reckon still go. It could get rather lonely out there on my own though...


Likes Dirt
Well it hasn't rained since this morning. And I'm feeling fat and lazy because we haven't riden since new year. So I reckon its on. Thats unless it rains again over-night.

Does everyone agree?


Likes Dirt
No, riding at Cabarlah would not be fun so I am not coming.

I forgot I had other arrangements. How unlike me.


Likes Dirt
I'm there!
It's been so long since I posted, I feel like a stranger in my own back yard, but the bike is finally back together and I'm keen to do some k's.