Proper spelling of tricky bicycle words


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And I admit it, North Americans spell aluminum wrong.
Unfortunately they don't! they use that shit spelling, so aluminum is technically correct in the U.S. (as much as I hate it). Ah, I see it has already been posted.

Maybe [No maybe about it] this sticky should be the standard as to which we post in accordance with on this forum! Fail this and you are out of the country </Howard>, I mean off the list. Oh and I think the standard should be set in Australia as well, as Howard soap boxed. And (yes you can start a sentence with and) SMS speak, should mean instant banning!

Spelling vigilante!¿!
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Likes Dirt
TIRE - y the y?
Because that is the English way! U.S. of A. use phonetics to spell. e.g. Jail not Gaol. Mind you as much as I hate Americanisms coming into popular use (Fahn schooling system), Phonetics is commonsense!
ruthlessgirl said:
ALUMINUM - aluminium is a raw material isn't it? Does the sticker on your frame say it's made of aluminium?
I believe, Bauxite is the raw ore! Sorry if it has been already mentioned as I am just catching up.
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economics - whatever... the US is in same national debt as everyone else, why do you think that they start wars? boost the economy!
And their economy is the war machine. e.g patriot missiles to the Isreali's after Desert Storm. What was the success/kill rate of those missiles again? 5% wasn't it?


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Spelling Police

Gotta watch those spelling police as they just cant help themselves.

Ooops did i say "Gotta" , Dam!

Well it must be banning time i guess?


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7. No pornoghraphic pictures, pornoghraphic links or warezs sites, or any other illegal material in signatures.

8. No linking to or posting of pornographic pictures, pornoghraphic links, warezs sites or any other illegal material

9. No posting pointless threads or spamming the boards, such as something that can be handeled with the search engine
Hehehehe. It is Pornographic and Handled. :p


Eats Squid
I hate to be one to complain, but lately I have been seeing "brake" spelt as "break", although it isn't tricky the amount of times I have seen the mistake made of late is countless. I probably should get over it, but it shits me to no end. Am I the only one that has noticed it?


When oil is used to control the compression and rebound in your suspension it is called DAMPING not dampening.

If you dampen something, you just make it wet.:)