Post your bunny hops and boosts.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
All good pictures except for AMBURGERS. :rolleyes:

That one of donny is heeeaps high.

Rhys, do you usually hip opposite? Awesome picture.


Forever 1,337
Rhys, do you usually hip opposite?
I'm hoping he's ETing the hip and that's why his feet are switch. that'd be tremendous.

EDIT: Pretty bad riding in this one, didn't even go over the hip on this occasion, but i like it cos i look goofy.

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Eats Squid
Rhys, do you usually hip opposite? Awesome picture.
Nah I always jump hips that way.
I'm a bit retarded like that. Hip and air to the right. Spin to the left. Feel more comfortable grinding on the left, but hoping up onto things on my right.
I'm left handed so throwing the bars with my right hand feels wrong..
Etc etc etc.


Likes Bikes
its not hazard its me,thanks,I lost them sorta but i lernt em again today

haha how the hell do u get all these pics of me ryan?
umm you sent me them lol
yeah in my post it kidna says its sam
bmxer (sam) has best tdowns n tabos out