PERTH farkin curtin vid


It's my birthday!
Wow, sweet ride guys and awesome editing Matthew, :D! Looks like you got them no footer wheelies wired, :). Bah, I should have been there!

Thanks for the link Nick, ;)!


Annoys the hell out of Grip!
nhd said:

right click save as muthahuckers.
nice movie, great editing and riding.
Wow... 1min 30 to Download instead of 24mins!

whoo hoo~!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
looks good...and only 32secs to d/l :)
only problem is our speakers dont work so yeh. I just sung the same line over and over.


Likes Dirt
Sweet editing matt.
Pity about my friggen nose dive and hop to pinch flat Grrrrrr. :lol:
Ah well


Annoys the hell out of Grip!
geee some people like riding on 1 wheel!

awesome vid, and good choice of song (its always in my head)! 8)


Likes Dirt
just out of curiosity, how many back tyres do you change because of wear compared to your front?

sweet vid fellas.


very nice work putting that together, looks awesome - makes it all worth while to be yelled at by security like we were. ahhh

oh, and i was kidding when i said my name was gregory... name's actually adam. but i'll stick with gregory cos it sounds funny - no offence to all those called gregory.


Likes Dirt
Nice vid!
I cant wait to be able to go on a ride with you guys ay, just watching that vid i can already spot some good lines to try.


dumb 01

Likes Dirt
thanks nhd n everyone for their comments.

Gregory Adams ill remember for next time (im so shit with names dammit)

now that i watch the vid again i do notice the abundence of wheelies too


Likes Dirt
cheers rik.

see people, it shows you dont need a good 'street' bike to 'carve it up' all you need is a little bit of patience, and a passion for the sport :roll: . haha
as for the wheelies, you should see some of the stuff thats not on there. like 2km wheelies, it just gets boring after a while.

i also pulled a no-footer off the jump at the skate park, i wonder where the footage of that went, it was quite funny, me not being able to find the pedals again.

all in all nice vid and damn good editing.


dumb 01

Likes Dirt
i forgot your no footer.
i was sure it was on there, its definately on film, i must have deleted it off the timeline at some point cos i was sure it was on there.
ill have to put it on the next vid cos that was one of the sweetest moves dammit.


yes yes, thanks rik

and while 'bonnet', if that IS your real name, tells you that really it's the rider, not the bike, that does the tricks, i'm... well... i'm just gonna agree with him cos it makes me look better. good job bonnet.

and i think i like that name 'gregory adams'... fits nicely. good suggestion



Likes Bikes and Dirt
whos the one going off on the red and white bike? awesome riding there pity i couldnt be there i would have loved to see you guys ride good job with the vid :)


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Good work guys some nice riding and a damn nice spot at that when is the next ride I'm in.

Hows Monday sound?