Pad vii- 31/10/10

nitrous to burn

Likes Bikes and Dirt
I figured i better post this even though photos are puled from archive and some are shit.
Thought i would hae heaps of time off in between HSC but that wass competely the opposite. I am reallyh annoyed that this didnt go to plan, but thought i needed to get something up. Sorry to dissapoint Ean and everyone else.

Riding-Stuck Between 2

Portrait (Never really tried before)

Mid-Flight (Look closely)

Speed (Regretful Repetition)


Architecture (Yayyyyy dont have any, but to not leave you with nothing check half way down the page on from Cameron Farkas, its pretty awesome)


Likes Bikes and Dirt
1st riding one is so BRAAAAPT!

portrait looks funny caus he's missing half his face.

mid flight is a good idea but needs work.

speed is good imo

glad you posted caus i run out of things to look at haha


nice tommy. shame the flash didnt come out as well as you were hoping on the first one... was fun riding for you though! always good to have photos :p


Likes Dirt
Don't sweat it dude, PAD turned out pretty good for something you peiced together! I think the second riding shout would really sing if the shutter was opened a little more (not sure what shutter speed was used), love the perspective in the first riding shot. Thanks for sharing!

nitrous to burn

Likes Bikes and Dirt
shame the flash didnt come out as well as you were hoping on the first one...
Flash was fine, just first time using it was mad rookie, especially with mad ignorance with AV and TV which fucked up. Will give it a bit more practice and will get the remotes out next time too.

Thanks Unlearn for your kind words. Yeh, i think it would have been a 1/500 shutter, flash on 1/16 power with a fisheye so dunno.