Noise Makers?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Alright, I'm out for racing. So I went and bought an air horn or two ready for this week ends state round and was wondering what else that's readily available can be used to created obscene amounts of noise?

Spill them out here,

The best, the worst(by the worst i mean most annoying), funniest?
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Likes Dirt
I've seen the old 'frame and spanner' combo make a fair bit of noise on a few vids. Not everyone has access to a frame to flog though. Extra points for bulkiness.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
you could get the good old cowbell and a spanner. That would really ring your ears!!!


Likes Dirt
I went to Autobarn and got a three-horn car air horn (comes with little compressor and the horns and tubing) for $40. connected this to a large 12v battery ($10) and carried the battery around in a camelback. Yeah $50, but it lasts forever and sounds like a fucking train.

Some shit stole it at school aths sports tho..

Little T

Likes Dirt
Ahh, Pete_10 what happened, why arnt you racing?

Me and Jones are coming down for the race, can't wait it should be awesome. Lets just hope the weather holds out for this one:(. As for noise makers how about a MEGAPHONE!!!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
some of theses are great ideas but me being a cripple and having only one arm puts some of them out. the nudity seems like the best option...

little t

I dislocated my shoulder at illinbah, bummer ay. see you on the week end
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Feelin' a bit rrranty
After all the times we've tormented you on your race run, you still haven't learned? Get your ass out and yell.


Likes Dirt
sometimes if you can find a old piece of shit trumpet or some sort of brass instrument they make a good one


Likes Dirt
i say cow bell plus megaphone and yelling in to it at the same time

peace todd :D

P.S. love the sig peat 10 lamb of god farkin rules


The air horn usually does it, it just depends on how you use it;)

Just hide behind a big tree in the switch-backs and blow it in there face. get it on video too:p

Or you could scream like a chick and confuse them, some guy screamed at a frikin high pitch at me at brookfield and I shat myself.
