My new P3 ('05), rock on!!!


Likes Dirt
:D Finally, i got me a new bike (after 5 years, 3 sets of replaced cranks and a new BB).

check it out in all it's freshly bought glory:

mmm, Blackspire NS-1

the forks on this baby are sooo plush compared to my old peice of crap.. mmm, plush. boing boing boing. so very manouverable too.


edit: sorry about the face there rik, just one of those spur of the moment things..
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Likes Dirt
mmmmm nice!! im thinking of getting one of those! theres a 04 at the lbs with jumpers an im soo tempted! i jus need the cash!
what do you use it for. mine will be all rounder, dj's urban and dh,
what are your thorts on it?
im in love with those bikes.


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Good to see that Specialized did the R&D and realised that camo forks are stronger, hence their specification on that ride.
Looks nice


Likes Dirt
i'll be usign it for a bit of everything, mainly DJ, urban and a touch of trials, but also DH and freeride(?). no XC though.

it rides soooo awesomely! it's fairly light and highly manuverable (sp?) but it also super strong.

forks are beau-ti-ful. soo smooth and plush. haven't managed to bottom them out just yet..

oh and Rik, is it case of camo forks are stronger like red makes you go faster type thing?


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Daneel said:
oh and Rik, is it case of camo forks are stronger like red makes you go faster type thing?
Damn straight. Many a debate has raged over this topic, alas I can't seem to find the old threads to prove it to you.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Yeah they are one fine ass bike. Are the forks the adjustable 110/150mm models same as the aftermarket flicks?