My first incident

giant rock

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I had my first little incident this morning. As I was happily riding along a quiet street a young P plater was walking to his car and saw me coming along got into his car and decided to pull out at me. So as not having a bell a yelled out to him HEY and he yelled back thats why you should not be riding a bike. I am quiet P'ed off at this as if it wasn't me who else could it have been and the attitude this kid had is terrible like he cares about cyclists. I think we should be able to report these things to the police and they should give these type of people a verbal or firm warning......


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Just remember the car and remember to laugh when you see it in a fence/around a pole ;)

Raw Toast Man

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Im pretty sure you can go to the police and report it. They will most likely say they dont have the resources to chase it up.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
they're everywhere mate, and the sad thing is - it probably won't be your last incident.

I was commuting home yesterday evening along the Logan rd in Brisbane, in doing so (and from experience), I will always move out a little wider in my lane when coming to the Creek rd intersection as motorists tend to dive left infront of you.

As I was going past the turn off - a horn blows - and some you bloke sitting in the passanger seat looks acrosss at me and says "move over idiot".

I proudly presented him with my middle finger, and some brightly animated words.

Unfortuntly they are every where.

giant rock

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Actually I gave this kid the royal wave with the middle finger. It is just annoying that the young ones today don't respect or care about anyone but themselves and they think that they are always right. Sorry not all young ones. What happened to the good old days when everyone said hello to you when walking past and you could leave your house unlocked and know that everything was safe. What has this world come to???????


Likes Dirt
I had a guy pull up next to me at the lights and verbally abuse me. It wasnt very kind so I sprinted off the line when it went green and very slowly coasted down the hill in the middle of the lane. It was a proud moment when he pulled up next to me at the next set of lights. I looked over at him and saw his very angry face and gave him a big toothy grin.

The next one isnt roady related but its on the topic of dickheads.
My friend and I were riding back from the skate park and some p plater guy was right up us so me and my friend pulled down our daks and gave em the old moony. Haha they were so pissed off.

As the others said there are always going to be tossers so just try and have a bit of fun.

Within reason of course. :D

giant rock

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Smith123 I like your train of thought there. I shall remember to do something similar or even have some spare rocks in my pocket and throw at them. If only these type of drivers where more considerate as they should be then maybe their would not be so many bike accidents. I still think that most P platers are dangerous and should have their licence taken away from them. I was opting the option of scratching the crap out of this kids car though. Naughty me something that I would never really do...

Raw Toast Man

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Had a guy drive past me today, got the usual "Get off the road you dickhead*" as I was riding along, so I sit up roll around the round about sitting up with the bird. Nearly got me killed by another car but he got the message.
What i dont get is, bikes are allowed on the roads and should be on the road but we get told to get off the road when the bike is made for the fricken road... Do we scream at walkers on the path to get off the path when we ride past on the road???? No.

*various names can be used here


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i was on the m7 a few weeks ago on a night ride when some truckie threw a full bottle of water sans lid at me. scared the shat out of me, soaked me, hurt a fair bit and i had absolutely no right of reply as the truck was doing over 100 and gone... shame, really.


Likes Dirt
I just save up a few choice insults. I get crap fairly often for passing the row of vehicles stopped at the lights on the left.

My favourite at the moment, and one I got to use last week is "Read rule 151* of the Australian road rules and if you don't like it, catch the fucking bus, you gonnoreah ridden, scabby whore/pedophile."

(*A bicycle may pass moving or stationary traffic on the left)

I'm yet to actually have response from the driver, but I have had a few occupants of other vehicles have a chuckle at that outburst.

A few weeks ago I had a cigaette butt flicked at me by a P plater stopped at the lights, so I stopped, picked it up and threw it, still lit, through the open passenger window. The guy (in a V8 ute no less) behind him applauded me.

If someone does something delibrately dangerous I'm all up for vehicular damage. Adelaide is far far better than Sydney, but if someone's going to delibrately endanger my life, there's got to be consequences. They might kill the next person. Our legally viable options are very limited, so I opt for legally dubious and immediate retribution. It might not do anything for cyclist/driver reconiliation but if you're going deliberately try and hit me with your car:

a) our relationship has gotten to the point of potentially homocidal activities. It probably can't get much worse.

b) if you get away with it this time, what's coming next time I solw you down?

and c) anything I can do that might mnake you think twice about it next time is good.
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Likes Bikes
My favourite at the moment, and one I got to use last week is "Read rule 151* of the Australian road rules and if you don't like it, catch the fucking bus, you gonnoreah ridden, scabby whore/pedophile."

(*A bicycle may pass moving or stationary traffic on the left)
My fav is "Go to hell motherfucker".

I used to be patient with motorists until my first incident. But I can't say that I am anymore, and the more I ride a bike on the road, the more I hate people that drive cars/ buses/ trucks/ whatever.

The way I see it, people who drive a car are surrounded by steel, glass and plastic. They're in their own little bubble in which they can control what they can hear, how cold/ hot it is... basically, their own level of comfort. Us cyclists on the other hand, are outside; we're exposed. We're, by default, vulnerable to the conditions around us. I think this is what makes motorists think they can get away the shit they throw our way. It's easy to blast a horn at a cyclist when you can't even hear the traffic around you. It's easy to hurl abuse when they don't know how hard it is to climb up that fucking hill or that it's 30 degrees out there.

Hence, I've given up on motorists. They can fuck themselves in their little bubble. If they don't spare a second to think about us- not just the fact that we're sharing a cruddy piece of tarmac- I won't spare a second thinking about them. It's cyclist vs. motorist for me. That way you don't expect them to be nice.


Revenge is sweet

icarry a safety hammer, its great for pricks that cut you off or endanger your life, and the windows. works every time and they soon leave you alone. :D


Likes Bikes and Dirt
It must be something to do with P plates?
I ride 25km to school everyday.
Friday arvo a p plater came past on a road that has a 80km speed limit.
He was doing 110-120.
the road is very narrow.
i ride on the very edge which is broken and bumpy as all hell.
he comes tearing past.
2" away (not wanking) from the end of my bars.
Beeps his horn continuously.
Dead set fuckwit:rolleyes: