Mt Beauty 6 hour


Eats Squid
Woo hoo! After 2 flatter tracks, it's time to strap on the climbing legs. But with some climbing comes some awesome descents. Can't wait.

Yes, there is hills. What would you expect from a place called Mount Beauty?


Troll hunter
Old school is back

Have you guys up at Team Mount Beauty decided on a course. Love every lap of that place. Technical and tough. How cool is the descent, after that finger out climb? Built for mountainbikers.

Spewing we can't make it this year. Other commitments have taken priority.


Eats Squid
Surely there's a way to make the course climb all the way up to Falls Creek...? :)
That's very quickly become my favourite road climb in the country.


Troll hunter

I hold the Mt Beauty race as a personal favorite. Way worth it. Wouldn't even worry about Forrest really.
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Cannon Fodder
Fear not! Mt Beauty has not had any where near as much rain as Melbourne in the last few days. Its fine and sunny today and the trails are in pretty good condition. Looking at the forecast I reckon we will get lucky for the weekend too but bring your woolies - the mornings are a wee bit chilly.
Not only are the tracks in perfect condition, and the sun shining but the hills will be alive with the Sounds of Music, because we have also organised a Music festival for the whole weekend, Hows that!!, (We didn't actually it just happens to be on the same weekend)


Does anyone have a Garmin of the course? Yes, I know that there are hills. Been there, done it before, love it, and I'm coming back. I'd like to show the profile to someone who's coming up for the first time. Cheers!