Mountains To Beach some pics

neil thompson

Likes Dirt
I know this is the wrong forum for pics but XC pics are hardly ever posted.
What a amazing week for what Hue & Wayne and the Darkside did to some how make it work.
The riders loved it
Any way just a few pics I took.

The Champ Jason English


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Heavy machinery.
Staff member
What a great event to showcase our beautiful countryside! I bet I'm not the only one who cringed when seeing those bikes in the salt water.............:O


Likes Dirt
What a great event to showcase our beautiful countryside! I bet I'm not the only one who cringed when seeing those bikes in the salt water.............:O
It looked like a formidable test for riders and machines!
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Cannon Fodder
Any more

Hi Neil, great pics, was riding with two mates. If you have any more pics would be great if I could get a look?

neil thompson

Likes Dirt
Ive got about 3000 pics from week showing off all you ratbags and girls.
Danien & myself are sorting out how to get them to the riders & The Darkside
Mybe a CD or from my websight not to sure yet but some how you will get the pics I dont want them to say in my computor, my camera gear coped to much rain to wast them.
Put a few more more later
Cheers Neil

KEEP AN EYE ON Mountains To Beach web page


Cannon Fodder
Lucky Number 13

Hi Neil,

These shots look fantastic. Look forward to seeing the rest of the pics. If you see any good ones of number 13 can you put one up please? Thanks for all your hard work.