Mirboo North - Darlimurla


Likes Dirt
I was in Gippsland last weekend and ventured down the rail trail at mirboo north. There is heaps of single track in the area, much running directly off the rail trail. Also came across a few DH tracks with jumps, etc.

A bit sludgy from the rain but well worth a visit when it drys out.

Kudos to those that have built the tracks....you know who you are.

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Likes Bikes

I've been putting tracks in around here for years, but most of it has been destroyed by motos, fires etc. Did you venture far from the rail trail?
I worked on a bunch of new stuff over the christmas break, a small park, jumps, and a bit of a DH track, but as usual i'm battling against weekend moto riders rutting and smashing everything. Most of my jumps and features are requiring ongoing maintenance.
There used to be more out at Darlimurla too, but its now super overgrown.
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Likes Dirt

I've been putting tracks in around here for years, but most of it has been destroyed by motos, fires etc. Did you venture far from the rail trail?
I worked on a bunch of new stuff over the christmas break, a small park, jumps, and a bit of a DH track, but as usual i'm battling against weekend moto riders rutting and smashing everything. Most of my jumps and features are requiring ongoing maintenance.
There used to be more out at Darlimurla too, but its now super overgrown.
here is the strava details of where I went. http://email.strava.com/wf/click?upn=FLdFplb9Rd0LY-2BmLy3OryuEnPQ4oTB4anhNPYw9LQjC2MqeJeXHlHKiKbR4gExfwZ7ADelvITb1zHVlTMQNwgM-2Bk5pK1lr5RxBUSXRpJ0c6s5wi8yRmMqATWInyiNe1blTsaP1PQ3bzkLxL-2FcQjQvfqVzTt5OkpdM74E537CnwA-3D_O7ROD4svS-2BWtZVG4Rcp0Qr1Amkh95RR38aABRypd1ejPcrTm656N9QWOO5i8w0xlWo3uqwsLB-2FEnew99O8cMIInOn6ZFKO4jrwVunOPeK-2By-2FQki9kfTA6TJz-2Bsbxoqp84qzYOBWkRuYbeToi5ny8jA-3D-3DFirst time out there so not sure how far i ventured from the main trail.

It was very wet and sloppy in areas but that made it all the more fun/challenging.

I ride XC but still enjoyed your work on the trails. Hoping to be out that way again over winter.

cheers and thanks